Page 90 - OHS, June 2024
P. 90

                   SAFETY CULTURE
Shifting the Role Workplace Safety Plays in Manufacturing and
Industrial Organizations
Despite advancements, workplace safety remains secondary in many firms, highlighting
the need for a cultural change and dedicated roles to prioritize it based on historical and
research insights.
The realm of workplace safety has undergone significant transformations since governments worldwide began tak- ing worker and occupational health seriously in the 1970s. Despite these advancements, many manufacturing and in- dustrial organizations still relegate safety to a secondary status, often adding it as an afterthought to a manager’s list of responsibilities. In this comprehensive exploration, let’s delve into the historical context and current practices.
This will include emphasizing a cultural shift towards prioritiz- ing safety within organizations, highlighting the crucial necessity for a dedicated safety role from the upper echelons to the grass- roots level of organizations. Drawing on third-party research and insights from workplace safety reports, the aim is to spotlight the critical importance of making safety a proactive and integral part of organizational processes.
Historical Perspective
To understand the contemporary challenges surrounding workplace safety, it’s essential to acknowledge the historical context. Govern- ments around the world only began prioritizing worker and occu- pational health in the 1970s, marking a significant shift in attitudes towards employee welfare. Examining safety’s journey, it becomes evident that its position within organizations has not evolved at the same pace as technological and industrial advancements.
At the onset of the safety revolution, the focus was primarily on complying with basic safety regulations. Fast forward to the pres-
ent, and safety has become a multifaceted concept, encompassing not only compliance but also a proactive approach to prevent ac- cidents and injuries. However, the implementation of safety mea- sures is often an afterthought in the innovation and implementa- tion process, leading to potentially avoidable incidents and injuries.
Drawing from third-party research, workplace safety reports illustrate the consequences of neglecting safety measures and highlight the correlation between proactive safety processes and accident prevention. Safety, despite its undeniable importance, still struggles to secure a primary seat at the corporate table.
Flipping the Safety Paradigm
Traditionally, safety considerations come into play towards the end of the innovation and implementation processes. This reactive ap- proach leaves organizations vulnerable to inherent risks that could have been mitigated with a proactive stance. By integrating safety considerations at the onset of discussions, companies can ensure that their processes are not only innovative and efficient but also safe from the outset.
This shift in approach requires a cultural change within organiza- tions. Safety should not be viewed as an additional step but as an inte- gral aspect of business operations. Workplace safety reports empha- size the need for a cultural transformation, where safety is considered a priority at every stage of the decision-making process. The proac- tive integration of safety practices leads to a reduction in accidents and injuries, contributing to a safer and more productive workplace.
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