Page 92 - OHS, June 2024
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                  SAFETY CULTURE
     Despite these advancements, many manufacturing and industrial organizations still relegate safety to a secondary status, often adding it as an afterthought to a manager’s list of responsibilities.
Higher Education’s Role
Recognizing the growing importance of safety in the workplace, high- er education institutions are expanding safety programs to meet the demand for qualified safety professionals. Colleges and universities, including Murray State University, Strayer University, Fordham Uni- versity and the University of Miami, offer specialized courses in safety and occupational health. This influx of educated safety professionals represents a new generation equipped with the knowledge and skills to drive change within the manufacturing and industrial sectors.
These programs not only educate individuals on safety regu- lations but also instill a proactive mindset, emphasizing the im- portance of preventing accidents rather than merely responding to them. The graduates from these programs play a pivotal role in reshaping safety practices within organizations, contributing to the establishment of a safety-conscious culture from the ground up.
Introducing a ‘Safety Champion’ in the Workplace
While some large corporations have the luxury of chief safety offi- cers, not every company can afford such a dedicated role. However, every organization can take steps to ensure that safety remains a priority at all levels. This includes the establishment of a safety committee composed of key ambassadors within the organization.
These safety champions can play a crucial role in disseminating regular communications on various health and safety topics. This decentralized approach ensures that safety information reaches every corner of the organization, fostering awareness and account- ability. By appointing safety ambassadors, organizations create a network of individuals who actively contribute to promoting a cul- ture of safety, even in the absence of a dedicated safety officer.
Leadership’s Evolution in Safety
The concept of safety within manufacturing and industrial work- places has evolved significantly from a leadership standpoint. Initially seen as a mere compliance requirement, safety has now emerged as a strategic imperative for organizational success. How- ever, there is still a considerable gap between acknowledging the importance of safety and implementing effective safety practices.
Leaders must reevaluate how safety is currently handled within
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their organizations. This involves scrutinizing existing processes, identifying potential hazards and implementing tangible solutions to create safer job sites. Workplace safety reports and third-party re- search underscore the importance of recognizing and mitigating fac- tors such as repetitive or sustained motion that can lead to injuries.
To take safety more seriously, leaders must foster a cultural shift within their organizations. Safety should not be focused on com- pliance but as a catalyst for efficiency and employee well-being. Implementing safety measures from the outset can prevent not only accidents but also long-term health issues, creating a more sustainable and secure work environment.
Creating a Safety Culture
The transformation of safety from a reactive to a proactive approach necessitates a cultural change within organizations. Safety should be an integral part of daily operations, discussions and strategic plan- ning, rather than an afterthought. This cultural shift requires com- mitment from leadership, active participation from employees and the integration of safety into every aspect of the business.
The workplace safety report data emphasizes the significance of embedding safety practices into the organizational culture. Metrics measuring safety and performance can be instrumental in setting tangible goals for improvement. Wearable technology provides a tangible solution by offering insights into how movements affect workers. This technology generates concrete data metrics on issues like musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), enabling proactive inter- vention before health concerns escalate.
Towards a Secure Future
Understanding the crucial role of safety within manufacturing and industrial organizations, certain limitations may hinder the estab- lishment of a dedicated safety position. Thus, it becomes essential to prioritize a top-down approach to safety, ensuring that the re- sponsibility for cultivating a safety culture starts from leadership and extends throughout the organization. The historical context, current challenges and potential solutions outlined in this com- prehensive exploration highlight the urgency of making safety a proactive and integral part of organizational processes.
Moving forward, safety should hold a prominent seat at the cor- porate table, guiding strategic planning and fostering a safer, health- ier and more productive working environment. The prevention of accidents through strategic planning can save companies time and money while simultaneously creating a better working environment for employees. Metrics measuring safety and performance should be used to set tangible goals. Wearable technology provides an avenue for uncovering concrete insights about the risk profile of workers, allowing the prevention of injuries before they occur.
The road ahead involves not just acknowledging the impor- tance of safety but actively integrating it into conversations sur- rounding operations, innovation and decision-making. Safety should be an inherent part of the organizational DNA, contrib- uting to a workplace culture where the well-being of employees is prioritized at every step. In this way, safety becomes not just a compliance requirement but a strategic advantage that ensures the long-term success and sustainability of manufacturing and indus- trial organizations.
Beemal Vasani is the Head of Business Development at Ansell Inteliforz.

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