Page 7 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 7
rotect ire anels s ifi ecurit and lectrical uipent fro eather and andals
T emp erature C ontrolled E nclosures
O ver 8 0 Models I n S tock
Outdoor NE MA 4 and stainless-steel
or polycarb onate NE MA 4X Models
av ailab le w ith T h ermostatically
C ontrolled A C and/ or H eat
Outdoor NE MA 3R Models
av ailab le w ith T h ermostatically
C ontrolled F ans
R ack E nclosures include an internal
12R U rack system
C ustomiz ation A v ailab le
Contact us for help finding the
perfect enclosure for your installation.
A v ailab le w ith or w ith out w indow s
Proudly Made I n T he U S A !
S ince 1 9 8 7
You name the box, can, cabinet or enclosure: Mier Products has you covered!