Page 56 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 56
New Tools Accelerate Investigations
Genetec Inc. has announced a new feature that
enables law enforcement professionals to eas-
ily collect, manage and share vehicle-based
evidence captured by AutoVu Cloudrunner™
through the Genetec Clearance™ digital evi-
dence management system (DEMS). Investiga-
tors typically rely on various types of data when
building a case, such as license plate reads, video
footage, and other forensic evidence. In the past,
sharing this digital evidence with detectives and
other stakeholders often meant physically trans-
ferring it via USB drives or sending it through
email attachments. This process not only con-
sumed valuable time but also posed a risk to the
integrity of the chain of custody and the assur-
ance of data privacy.
Command Centre v9.20
Unlocks New Data Insights
Gallagher Security today announced the release
of their award-winning security site management
software, Command Centre v9.20, the latest evo-
lution of the security platform trusted to protect
some of the world’s most critical sites. This re-
lease enables integration with Microsoft Entra ID
– a cloud-based identity and access management
system that provides seamless synchronization
of Cardholders across systems, centralized Card-
holder and access management, and improved
data integrity. The introduction of Shift items into
Time Reporting and Regulated Zones allows sites
to run reports across Cardholders working differ-
ing shift patterns and raise alarms for unexpected
attendance. This data can then be used to assist
with contractor billing reconciliation, safety, com-
pliance and fatigue management.
Intercom Voice Assistant
Now Adds Subtitles
Commend’s conversational voice assistant for In-
tercom systems, now offers a new feature that
simplifi es dialogue by transcribing spoken con-
tent on-screen. With Ivy Captions, the words spo-
ken by the user and Ivy are shown on the Inter-
com screen. The new Ivy Captions function is an
important further step in the development of the
system, making Ivy even more powerful and ver-
satile. Launched in 2023, Ivy is the world’s fi rst
conversational voice assistant for Intercom sys-
tems based on AI. It supports control center staff
by automatically answering frequently asked
questions, such as directions or train schedule
information. Operators can focus on special re-
quests or emergencies. Ivy can analyze spoken
input and answer questions based on natural lan-
guage processing.
New Electromechanical Cabinet Lock
Camden Door Controls is pleased to introduce to
market the CX-ED0010 Electromechanical Cabi-
net Lock. Representative of the impressive tech-
nological evolution in secure locking systems,
it is designed for a variety of enclosures that
use swinging doors, drawers and sliding doors.
This lock introduces the fl exibility of operating
in either fi eld selectable fail-safe or fail-secure
modes and supports both 12V and 24V power
supplies. This fl exible and affordable cabinet lock
is ideal for a wide range of access control ap-
plications, including securing computer cabinets,
lockers, retail display counters, and medical and
cannabis dispensaries. It features front mounting
for use with offi ce drawers, display cabinets, and
the strike plate easily adjusts to door alignment.
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