Page 34 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 34
Collaboration Made Easy Using
a Work Management Platform
By Stephan Sutor
tween security operators,
Effective collaboration be-
teams and other depart-
ments is critical to the
smooth functioning of or-
ganizations. Yet, as organizations grow in
complexity, it becomes more diffi cult for
teams to coordinate with each other. This
is compounded by staffi ng shortages, turn-
over and ineffective collaboration tools.
When staff juggle multiple discon-
nected tools for dispatch, reporting and
task tracking, fragmented systems lead to
ineffi cient operations, creating delays and
gaps in communication. These could have
serious impacts on safety or security.
Work management solutions, like Ge-
netec™ Operations Center, bridge these
gaps by managing, tracking, and docu-
menting activities, streamlining processes,
and fostering real-time collaboration. It is
more than a dispatching system. It is a so-
lution to manage all day-to-day activities
leveraging workfl ow automation. Opera-
tions Center is a work management solu-
tion built specifi cally for security teams
that improves communication, productiv-
ity, and overall operational effi ciency.
Over time, organizations have accumulated
a hodgepodge of databases, spreadsheets
and systems. They use them to commu-
nicate, create and share reports, and keep
track of activities and equipment. A few
teams still rely on paper-and-pen processes,
too. These methods are time-consuming,
error-prone and make it diffi cult to share
information and coordinate efforts.
A digital work management solution
can bring all these systems together, so
teams have a single, shared view of activi-
ties on both desktop and mobile devices. To
take full advantage of their security system
data, security teams need to consider more
than a generic work management solution.
Look for a work management solu-
tion built with security activities in mind,
such as guard tours, patrols, maintenance
inspections and seamless unifi cation with
security systems.
For example, with one click, a video
operator can create a work request with
the camera snapshot attached. They can
then route it to the appropriate team with
a few clicks. To ensure trustworthy audits
and reporting the work management sys-
tem should be built with strong cybersecu-
rity measures and ensure that data cannot
be manipulated after the fact by applying
blockchain principles.
The impact of implementing a work man-
agement system for security teams can be
• Communication improves because all
team members see what tasks are in prog-
ress, who is doing the work, and what jobs
are left to do. They can also share updates
and alerts to keep each other informed or
request help from colleagues.
• Collaboration becomes stronger because
every team member contributes to over-
all success rather than just executing on
an isolated task. Custom API integra-
tions can also be created to connect with
other systems, such as employee apps.
• Teams save time through built-in report-
ing tools that automate activity logs and
compliance audits.
• Overall operational effi ciency improves
through streamlining routine tasks, in-
cident management, and resource track-
ing. Tasks are assigned to the people
with the correct capabilities, knowledge,
and tools. They have the information
they need readily available.
• Teams improve workfl ows through auto-
mations. This can be as simple as setting
reminders to complete routine tasks, gen-
erating reports, or automatically alerting
team leads when requests are added.
• Work ticketing and asset management
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