Page 24 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 24
for UPS, FedEx, and the U.S. Postal Service, making it extremely
cost-effective for organizations. Business owners can remotely
watch mail rooms and warehouses through access control with
QR codes or facial recognition to help secure the premises.
Schools. Throughout the country, schools are continually
faced with risks ranging from aggression, bullying, active shooter,
vaping/drug usage, etc. By implementing the latest AI technology,
school administrators can keep a better eye on school grounds
and improve student safety.
It can also offer live “event” driven video surveillance that re-
lies on AI to send alerts if something looks amiss on campus.
More schools are taking an initiative-taking approach to security
and mitigating risks early on.
With an intelligent video monitoring solution, schools can
check security cameras with a remote command center 24/7.
“Our unique ViewScan Protect service powered by ViewSca-
nAI Cloud is staffed by highly trained Military Retirees and Dis-
abled American Veterans,” Antar said. “Our 4-step process, de-
veloped over years in the industry, enables our agents to respond
up to 10x faster than traditional intrusion systems that may not
even see incidents occurring until several minutes after they have
already occurred.”
Government offi ce. State and local government offi ces can also
take advantage of advances in AI driven analytic platforms, but
instead of using the cloud for event notifi cation they can securely
run the same analytics “On Prem” without creating concerns of
cloud solutions for their IT departments.
Multifamily. A key market for remote monitoring services is
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