Page 22 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 22

“One of the main
benefits of implementing
a comprehensive
monitoring solution is the
ability to see everything
going on at your facility
at any time and from
anywhere. It allows
video, sensors, and
access control events
to be accessible from a
secure web browser or
mobile device creating
an effortless way for
end users to check their
properties and facilities
ing for initiative-taking ways to protect
staff, patients and visitors.
AI-driven video technology, access
control and smart sensors – are help-
ing hospital administrators and security
teams keep people safe. A major threat
at assisted living facilities is preventing
seniors from wandering off the property.
With early visual wandering notifi cation,
alerts can be sent at once to prevent a resi-
dent from leaving the premises.
Sensor technology can also be used to
track occupancy in any specifi ed area of
2 2 a facility and detect if there are too many
people in a particular area. AI cameras can
watch people walking to their car in a park-
ing lot and prevent muggings or car thefts
from happening. Emergency strobes and
panic alarms can be activated quickly if
operators verify an emergency through AI.
Remote operators can even speak through
intercoms to deter threats and prevent
criminals from committing a crime.
Construction. Creating safety protocols
at construction sites is more important
than ever due to the alarming number of
accidents reported each year. With new
construction PPE requirements, compli-
ance has become a huge issue along with
theft, vandalism, and safety violations. AI
technology can help monitor these sites to
ensure compliance and help reduce gen-
eral liability insurance costs.
Real-time video event verifi cation can
also prevent thefts and unauthorized ac-
cess and help safeguard construction sites
throughout the world.
“With our AI-driven software solution,
response times are typically within 20 sec-
onds from event creation. If a person is
detected, an AI event is created, sent to the
cloud with a 10 second video, our operator
then clicks on it for review and makes a
fi nal decision on next steps,” Antar said.
Corporate buildings. Commercial prop-
erties of all sizes tend to have high foot
traffi c with employees, vendors, customers
and guests coming in and out daily. This
creates a substantial risk of trespassing,
theft and vandalism.
New AI technology can safeguard a
building to ensure that the entire perim-
eter from the exterior to the interior is se-
cured without having a physical person at
the front service desk. The latest technol-
ogy can also provide contactless delivery
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