Page 64 - Security Today, May/June 2024
P. 64

                  ACCESS CONTROL
T he diverse and dynamic campus environments of modern post-secondary institutions rely on multiple systems and pro- cesses to ensure campus security and operational efficiency.
A primary component of campus safety is often ac- cess control and identity management. However, without robust yet easy-to-manage systems, the massive number
of facilities, cardholders, door rules, partitions, and temporary ac- cess requests can quickly become overwhelming for security teams. Trusted identity technology is emerging as a pivotal solution to simplify and streamline many security and operational require- ments. The latest advances in access control and identity manage- ment technologies help reduce workload and enhance operations. They can also improve the campus experience for students, visi-
tors, faculty, and staff when combined within a unified platform.
School campuses are designed to be open, welcoming, and friendly. However, this can also lead to security challenges. Common areas are often hard to secure and access control needs to maintain se- curity while also allowing ease of movement.
Innovations in access control security technology enable a more holistic approach to security. Modern solutions can enhance security while reducing friction for students and staff while they go about their daily routines.
Keyless access control systems are an example of technology that improves security and the on-campus experience. Keys are a liability. They can be lost, copied, or stolen. When new locks are required for keyed entry locations, the doors need to be cored. In comparison, electronic access control credentials can be switched on or off remotely and managed quickly, if necessary.
Likewise, many colleges and universities have adopted sin- gle-card identification ID solutions. Students use one card to not only unlock their dorms but also as a picture ID, access to labs and classrooms, and payment for food or other items. This is a significant step forward from having physical keys or multiple cards to manage.
The next evolution in access control technology takes a sin- gle card a step further. Students can now use cardless credentials stored on mobile devices. Mobile credentials use Near-Frequency Communication (NFC) technology to link access control systems
with secure NFC readers. The result is more secure than the old magstripe or barcode-based plastic cards and more intuitive to carry and use. NFC is enabled by default in many mobile payment ap- plications, so most students today own a device with this capability.
With all of these new solutions, there’s the overall need to man- age access permissions. Manually updating access rights is time- consuming for staff and prone to human error. To alleviate this workload, modern solutions can be linked to the database where student information is stored. When a student’s status changes in the database, permissions are dynamically updated.
For example, science majors may require access to lab areas, but a student who changes programs would no longer be able to open those doors. Likewise, when a student graduates or leaves, they no longer require access to select areas.
Automating these processes frees up time for operators and minimizes errors. Instead of manually enrolling new cardholders, the system automatically assigns access rights based on roles, at- tributes, departments, or specific school policies. If policies change, operators can simply update privileges. Changes are applied across all associated cardholders.
Here’s what to look for in a new access control and identity management solution:
1. Strong cybersecurity and privacy measures - Access con- trol systems collect vast amounts of data daily. Thus, privacy and cybersecurity are top priorities and strong measures are needed to protect the privacy of individuals and their data from cyberse- curity threats.
Look for manufacturers and partners who take a strong and committed stance on privacy and cybersecurity. Protecting sensitive data should be the default. Access to personal information is only on an as-needed basis and with the proper authorization. Systems can also provide an audit trail to show who has attempted access and those who have accessed the system and when.
On the cybersecurity side, your software manufacturer’s en- cryption should be up to the highest standard. Ask about procedures to ensure that passwords and IP addresses are changed frequently and review the cybersecurity best practices in their operations.

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