Page 63 - Security Today, May/June 2024
P. 63

                  EMERGING TECHNOLOGY
 for how to access the appropriate keys to unlock doors in an emergency.
Electronic key cabinets are a leading practice to help schools to control access to schools. The applications are multi- faceted, starting with internal operations. Cabinets can be accessed through a variety of credentials, including via a mobile de- vice, and users can be assigned access to certain keys, which reduces the chance of a set of keys ending up in the wrong hands. Administrators have an immediate audit trail of who checked out which key and when, plus they can implement a curfew on a key so that when it’s not returned by a certain time, they’re notified immediately. They can also deactivate a user instantly, which can be crucial in isolating a poten- tial internal threat. Cabinets can also be strategically placed throughout a building where a security camera can offer visual corroboration of who is at a cabinet.
Key cabinets are also critical tools for authorized first responders to gain access to a variety of openings inside a school. As mentioned earlier, having first responders on a school’s security team is essential, as they’ll be the first to answer the call during a potentially severe incident. There have been incidents where law enforcement didn’t have access to a key, and it hindered their ability to respond to a situation. Additionally, having to sort through multiple keys to gain access to a certain school or building could delay their reaction time. School districts that effectively utilize emergency key boxes throughout campus with a singular credential empower responders to gain entry quickly. Plus, if those responders are familiar with a school’s layout, they can address threats faster.
For example, in the Arapahoe High School attack in December 2013, we pro- vided several sets of building key sets to the law enforcement rescue teams. During the response, several of those sets of keys were lost. This was not in any way the fault of the brave responders. One must real- ize that these officers engaged in clearing the school room by room multiple times.
They had to remain constantly vigilant for an armed aggressor while being cautious for the safety of the staff and students. We can only imagine this type of pressure, and things like keys may be lost in the “fog” of the situation. Sadly, because of the lost keys, some doors had to be breached. Staff and students who are in lockdown in an active shooter situation can understand- ably become frightened when responding officers have to breach a door. In the case of Arapahoe, to this day, I can only say that everyone from the staff, students, and re- sponders bravely handled this terrible event.
Much has evolved since this tragic incident, and sadly, many other incidents have happened since. It is always hard for me personally to remember this and other incidents where students, staff, and com- munity members were harmed, whether physically or mentally; however, like any school safety practitioner, we must always be cognitive of the lessons learned and apply them going forward.
It’s worth noting that, when consid- ering the broad spectrum of security so- lutions, there are a lot of flashy, gimmicky products that promise to do something when in actuality, they fall short of having any meaningful impact on operations at all. Administrators need to prioritize solutions that are “future-proof”, not only to align with the most utilized assets they have, but also to maximize the return on investment that they’re asking from the leaders in their
district. The reduction in time spent look- ing for lost keys, plus the potential costs of having to re-key a facility, represents just two reasons key cabinets address this need.
Now, it’s no secret that budgeting can be a tenuous topic in some schools. My advice? When considering a solution, try it out in one part of the school. If it improves efficiency in maintenance, or food service, or another smaller department, gradually expand its adoption to other parts of the school. That piecemeal approach can reduce expenses up front, but more importantly, it can instill a sense of endorsement with- in staff, which is critically important when considering security. If it works well in one department and those people are in favor of it, the likelihood of another department agreeing to use it will almost always go up.
That final point is an important one to reiterate. School security must be collabo- rative between all parties, which extends beyond the school walls to parents and first responders. Gone are the days of operating in dangerous silos where one group doesn’t communicate to another what they’re do- ing. Transparency is vital and the school districts that adopt such an environment are strengthening the collective security ecosystem that everyone operates in.
Couple that with effective security solutions leveraging modern technol- ogy, and schools can develop into safer havens in which future generations can learn and thrive.

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