Page 38 - Security Today, March/April 2024
P. 38

                                 Early Detection
and Deterrence Enhance
By Jon Carstensen
Threats of theft, vandalism, and terrorism are a continual concern for those responsible for the security of high-risk facilities. Perimeter security is vital to maintaining safety, safeguarding assets and ensuring continuity of business at these sites.
In regulated industries, perimeter security is even critical to meeting strategic and compliance objectives. For example, guide- lines for utilities from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s Critical Infrastructure Protection plan (NERC- CIP) state that site owners and operators must be able to detect, assess and respond to objects approaching a perimeter, with the aim to safeguard the facility.
Staff responsible for site security need to know as soon as pos- sible if there is a risk to the area or assets, so they can respond faster. Video security cameras with built-in artificial intelligence (AI) or video analytics understand what they are seeing to inter- pret scenes, monitor risks against a threshold, and alert people the moment a threat happens.
Cameras with on-board video analytics keep watch over pe- rimeters and alert to intruder approach, line crossing, loitering, fence jump, and more. An alarm will trigger if the camera detects a person or vehicle crossing an invisible line in the scene or a per- son or vehicle entering an area without leaving after a specified time. With recent advancements, analytics can even detect intrud- ers who roll, crawl or hide in tall grass to breach fencing.
Cameras with this robust level of video analytics can alert to these conditions while limiting false triggers from wildlife or envi- ronmental conditions. Accurate alerts are important for efficien- cy when considering the time and expense of security operators investigating alarms across multiple locations, including remote, unstaffed sites. AI-based classification aids in filtering out nui- sance alarms while providing alerts to actual threats.
While detecting people or vehicles is important, there are other ways perimeter breaches can happen at high security sites. In re- mote areas, such as at electrical utility substations, attackers seek- ing to disable critical assets may be able to do so from outside the perimeter with long-range, large-caliber firearms. By integrating gunshot detection technology with an automated video security system, the gunshot detection system can use geospatial-based commands to slew to cue a PTZ camera to verify events.
When a gunshot is detected, a nearby moving camera will pan, tilt and zoom to the precise location in less than one second to help security staff view the source of the gunfire and capture video evidence of the shooter. The camera can also automatically classify and track the shooter, helping security staff to respond quickly and appropriately.
Drones also pose a danger for high security sites with their ability to fly over fencing to breach physical barriers. Operators need a visual perspective to assess these threats and determine whether a drone may be carrying cameras or even explosives.
By integrating radar technology with the video system, radar detection of the drone can trigger the closest ground mounted PTZ security camera to the location and begin tracking the drone to help security staff react accurately.
Once an impending or in-progress perimeter breach is detect- ed, automated responses can deter intruders from inflicting dam- age or stealing valuable assets.
As gunshot detection and radar technology can trigger track- ing by a moving camera, video analytics can also trigger a camera to track an object. The latest deep learning AI technology en- ables cameras with on-board analytics to track an object even if it stops moving temporarily to hide from the view of the camera.
If the PTZ camera features an integrated white light illumina- tor, the detection can also turn on the illuminator to cast a bright white light on the intruder. This spotlight follows the intruder as the camera tracks the person’s or a vehicle’s movement through- out its field of view.
Simultaneous to turning on white light illumination, video ana- lytics can also trigger audio responses if communications capabilities are integrated with the system. Audio messages can play automati- cally or initiated remotely when an intruder is detected. Broadcast through a loudspeaker, the message warns the intruder they are un- der surveillance and that local authorities have been contacted.
Together, these powerful deterrents may cause the intruder to leave the area before causing damage.
Guidelines for high-security sites may require more than solu- tions to detect and deter threats. For example, NERC-CIP guide- lines look for measures to enable the organization to also delay, assess, communicate, and respond to physical threats.
As key components in solutions to help fulfill NERC-CIP standards, video cameras acting as sensors integrate with security platforms to help staff monitor events, manage security policies and run investigations when perimeter breaches occur.
There are a broad range of technologies for perimeter security so- lutions to match the equally wide range of requirements from various sites. Intelligence is one key element that provides
early warnings and automated triggers for sec-
ondary actions. It is central to advanced detection and deterrence in perimeter security solutions.
Jon Carstensen is the business development manager, Utilities, at Bosch.

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