Page 36 - Security Today, March/April 2024
P. 36

Autonomy Software
By Megan Willinger
In the realm of national and global security, safeguarding criti- cal infrastructure is paramount. It is not just about erecting physical barriers; it is about deploying perimeter security soft- ware capable of autonomous detection, alerting, and deterring potential threats. The integration of autonomy software into existing perimeter security systems marks a significant advance- ment in this field and is now imperative for an effective system.
Integrated AI-boosted video analytics have revolutionized traditional surveillance systems, transforming them into autono- mous systems. By analyzing video feeds and other sensor data in real-time, these systems effectively and autonomously detect unusual activities or intrusions along the perimeter of critical in- frastructures.
This technology excels at differentiating between genuine threats, benign activities and environmental noise, thereby en- hancing the accuracy of threat detection further safeguarding sensitive areas. Environmental noise includes weather induced scene changes (precipitation, moving vegetation, blowing debris, cloud shadows, etc.) and lighting changes, among others.
By learning environmental noise and learning from histori- cal data, AI-boosted video analytics systems are capable of dis- tinguishing actual threats from false or nuisance events. These systems are dynamic, continually improving their detection and noise suppression capabilities based on new data in an evolving threat landscape.
Another key capability of an autonomous perimeter software system is the ability to perform Auto-verification or to “Auto-ver- ify” potential threats. Auto-verification is a computer automated process of verifying events generated by perimeter surveillance sensors, relieving the security operator from this duty, thereby en- hancing the accuracy and efficiency of security operations. Auto- verification results in a dramatic reduction of nuisance alarms.
Nuisance alarm elimination is not just a matter of conve- nience; it is essential for maintaining the vigilance and respon- siveness of security staff, also potentially reducing the need for the SOC headcount.
Yet, another autonomy capability of such systems is lock-on- target PTZ following. Once the autonomous system detects, and auto-verifies a threat, it can automatically cause PTZ cameras to point at the threat and continue to follow it. This provides maximum situational understanding for operators tasked with orchestrating an intervention and collecting evidence for post event reporting. So- phisticated autonomy systems can stay locked on the threat so long as it remains in the line of sight of any of the available PTZ cameras.
Another key autonomy capability is auto-deterrence. Once the system has detected and auto-verified a threat, audible and light de- terrence can automatically trigger to discourage the intruder from continuing with their perimeter security violation. Such automatic audible deterrence can be sufficiently loud to discourage further perimeter penetration. Light deterrence can include bright strobe
lights that disorient the intruder and cause them to stop penetrat- ing the perimeter, giving law enforcement more time to intervene.
At this pivotal moment, the importance of advanced perim- eter surveillance software is paramount. The versatility and ease of integration offered by modern security solutions are funda- mental in enhancing existing perimeter security systems.
Organizations cannot afford a wholesale replacement of existing perimeter technologies and systems. A key feature of these advanced solutions is their open architecture including support of standards such as ONVIF, allowing seamless integration with a wide array of already installed cameras, fence sensors, radars, NVRs and Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) systems.
This compatibility means organizations can leverage the latest pe- rimeter autonomy software without the need to replace their current equipment. This approach not only ensures a cost-effective upgrade but also minimizes time to deploy the new capabilities. By adopting these adaptable technologies, facilities can significantly upgrade their security posture, harnessing the power of AI to bolster their existing infrastructure protection with minimal changes to operations.
In recent years, the rise in drone usage has presented a sig- nificant security challenge in protecting critical infrastructures. Enhanced accessibility and technological advancements have transformed drones into potential tools that could bypass tradi- tional ground-based security measures resulting in far-reaching consequences.
In response to these escalating threats, critical infrastructure facilities must take sophisticated security measures capable of autonomously detecting and tracking drones that threaten to or breach secure perimeters, thus keeping threats within the opera- tors view. Autonomy software is capable of locking PTZ cameras onto the drone and keeping it in the view of operators to maxi- mize situational awareness during such perimeter threats.
The reliability of perimeter security systems is non-negotiable, particularly for critical infrastructure facilities where the stakes are incredibly high. A system that maximizes system availability and continuously identifies real threats while minimizing false positives demonstrates an organization’s commitment to main- taining a secure and safe environment.
This trust is crucial not just for day-to-day operations but also for upholding the reputation and integrity of the organization responsible for protecting critical infrastructure. By embracing forward-thinking solutions, they ensure that their systems are not just effective today, but also prepared for future threats. This proac- tive approach enhances the resilience of critical
infrastructures, solidifying their defense against
sophisticated challenges and ensuring their en-
during safety and operational continuity.
Megan Willinger is the marketing manager for PureTech Systems Inc.

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