Page 42 - Campus Security & Life Safety, September/October 2021
P. 42

Educating Families about the COVID-19 Vaccine
The COVID-19 vaccine is an important piece of the school reopening puzzle. With efforts to vaccinate educators continuing, a recent trial showing 100% vaccine efficacy in children ages 12–15, district leaders must work proactively to quell vaccine hesitancy.
The CDC compiled a COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit for School Staff & Childcare Workers that may be used to support communications with teachers and other staff members. In addition to this, I recommend that district leaders find a way to provide vaccine guidance and support to families, especially those in underserved communities.
Strategies for Supporting Students’ Mental Health Needs
One of the most important considerations during this crisis and its aftermath is the mental wellbeing of students, staff and the commu- nity at large. The mental and emotional toll this crisis has taken on people is immense and will be felt for months, and years to come. Many students were in very vulnerable positions before this crisis hit. That has worsened. Social determinants of health have changed dras- tically, and situations are worse for many families than they were even just a few months ago.
With this in mind, district leaders and teachers must prepare for increased stress, anxiety and trauma and be ready to support students’ mental health needs.
Expanding Existing Mental and Behavioral Health Services to Accommodate More Students
School counselors were already outnumbered pre-COVID, with an average student-to-counselor ratio of 430:1. Just as they are able to support the work of school nurses, telehealth providers can also support the work of school counselors, case workers and other staff. During a telehealth appointment, students can share their feelings and symptoms with a provider, who can then collaborate with the
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child and their family to create an action plan.
Providing Mental Health Support to Staff
To effectively meet the mental health needs of students, district staff members need support, too. In “Resources to Support Mental Health and Learning during School Reopening”, the National Education Association (NEA) provides actionable strategies and resources for ensuring the wellbeing of staff, students and families.
Applying Social-emotional Learning (SEL) Strategies Throughout Education
The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) recommends that district leaders make SEL an integral part of every student’s education. CASEL compiled a list of COVID-19 SEL resources, which includes recommendations such as:
• Providing consistency in daily routines to foster a sense of safety and predictability.
• Taking the time to listen to students.
• Supporting students in building or maintaining a sense of
community and connection.
Keeping Every Student Healthy
Whether you are an administrator, a teacher, a counselor or a nurse, you play an important role in keeping students well. By offering physical and mental health resources in school, we can help more students receive the care they need so they can focus on learning.
With the support of district leadership and increased funding, there is an opportunity to reinvent school health and wellness services and to make a real, positive impact in the lives of students and their families.
Dr. Robert Darzynkiewicz is the chief medical officer at Hazel Health.
Healthy Schools
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