Page 40 - Campus Security & Life Safety, September/October 2021
P. 40

"A continuous, sustainable approach to school healthcare services can ensure that the physical and mental health needs of students are being met—and also that school staff members are equipped to provide adequate support."
A Reopening Strategy
Resources to support students’ physical and mental health needs
By Dr. Robert Darzynkiewicz
Healthy Schools
Proxima Studio/
As schools begin to welcome students back in full force, there is increased attention on learners’ physical and mental wellbeing. Since the latest round of COVID-19 relief funding includes dollars for in-school healthcare services, district leaders are encouraged to take this as an opportunity to revamp and strengthen existing student health programs.
For many families, school is more than a place to learn. It is also a place to receive access to healthcare, counseling, nutrition and other essential services. A continuous, sustainable approach to school healthcare services can ensure that the physical and mental health needs of students are being met—and also that school staff members are equipped to provide adequate support.
Here are some strategies for meeting students’ physical and mental health needs as they return to school.
Strategies for Supporting Students’ Physical Health Needs
District leaders will need to consider how they currently support the physical health of students, and if there are updates are needed before fully reopening.
Ensuring Compliance with CDC and Local COVID-19 Guidelines
In the CDC’s COVID-19 K-12 Operational Strategy guidance, five key prevention strategies are listed to help prevent the transmission of the virus, including:
• Universal and correct use of masks
• Social distancing
• Handwashing and respiratory etiquette
• Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities
• Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine
To safely resume operations, I strongly recommend that district leaders look at their existing processes and make updates as needed. For example, establish social distancing and mask-wearing guidelines with staff and students, and keep an inventory of essential supplies (like face masks) on hand at each school site.
Providing In-school Telehealth Care to All Students
While telehealth has been around for many years, its popularity is skyrocketing due to the pandemic. Telehealth is the marriage of technology and healthcare, using a wide variety of technology and electronic communications to promote remote health-related services. Telehealth companies can partner with schools to provide in-school and in-home telehealth care services to all students.
In addition to assessing symptoms related to COVID-19, tele- health providers are able to address common health concerns, like stomachaches or allergy symptoms, and to create a care plan tailored to students’ specific needs. Having telehealth providers available to support the work of school nurses and other staff members can help districts address a wider range of student health concerns and reduce absenteeism.

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