Page 44 - OHS, September 2024
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                   DEFIBRILLATION & CPR
helps identify potential issues and improves overall readiness. Drills can simulate various emergency scenarios, helping the team practice and refine their response strategies, ensuring they are pre- pared for different types of cardiac events.
Best Practices for Maintaining Readiness
1. Regular Maintenance of AEDs
Regular checks and maintenance of AEDs are essential. This includes ensuring batteries and pads are up to date and that the device is in good working condition. Many AEDs have self-check features, but periodic visual inspections are still recommended.
Inspection Schedule: Create an inspection schedule that in- cludes regular checks and battery replacements. Keeping a log of maintenance activities ensures accountability and traceability. Regularly updating the AED software ensures that it performs op- timally and includes the latest features and improvements.
Emergency Supplies: Stocking additional AED pads and bat- teries can prevent delays during an emergency. Ensure that re- placement supplies are easily accessible. Having a supply of spare parts on hand ensures that the AED is always ready for use, even if a component fails unexpectedly.
2. Updating Emergency Protocols
Emergency response protocols should be reviewed and updat- ed regularly. This ensures they remain effective and incorporate the latest best practices and technological advancements. Employees should be familiar with these protocols and have access to them.
Review and Feedback: Regularly review emergency response protocols with the response team and other employees. Gather feedback to identify areas for improvement and ensure protocols remain relevant. Engaging employees in the review process helps to identify practical issues and fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.
Documentation: Ensure that all updates to emergency pro- tocols are well-documented and communicated to all employees. Digital copies of the protocols can be easily accessed through the company’s intranet or safety portal. Clear and accessible documen- tation helps ensure that all employees are aware of and can quickly refer to the latest protocols in an emergency.
3. Continuous Education and Awareness
Promoting continuous education and awareness about the importance of defibrillation and CPR can foster a culture of pre- paredness. This can be achieved through regular workshops, infor- mational sessions, and by sharing success stories of lives saved by timely intervention.
Awareness Campaigns: Organize awareness campaigns that high- light the importance of CPR and AED training. Use posters, newslet- ters, and digital media to reach a broader audience. Campaigns can also include guest speakers, such as survivors of cardiac events, to share their stories and underscore the importance of quick action.
Success Stories: Sharing real-life success stories where timely CPR and AED intervention saved lives can inspire and motivate employees to participate in training programs. These stories can highlight the tangible impact of preparedness and encourage a proactive approach to workplace safety.
Compliance Requirements
Workplaces must comply with local, state, and federal regulations regarding AEDs and emergency preparedness. OSHA, for exam-
ple, strongly recommends the presence of AEDs in high-risk en- vironments, even if they are not mandated in all workplaces.5 Ad- ditionally, some states have specific laws requiring AEDs in certain workplaces and stipulating training requirements.
Regulatory Review: Regularly review relevant regulations to ensure compliance. This includes understanding specific require- ments for AED placement, maintenance, and training. Staying informed about changes in regulations helps ensure that the work- place remains compliant and avoids potential legal issues.
Documentation and Reporting: Maintain thorough docu- mentation of AED maintenance, training records, and compliance audits. This ensures readiness for any regulatory inspections. De- tailed records help demonstrate the organization’s commitment to safety and provide a clear audit trail for regulatory purposes.
Considerations for Hybrid Work Environments
The rise of hybrid work models presents unique challenges for emergency preparedness. Employers should ensure that both on- site and remote employees are trained in CPR and AED use. For remote workers, virtual training sessions can be conducted, and resources such as instructional videos and guides can be provided.
Virtual Training: Utilize online platforms to conduct virtual CPR and AED training sessions. This ensures that remote employ- ees receive the same level of training as their on-site counterparts. Interactive virtual training can include quizzes, simulations, and live demonstrations to enhance learning outcomes.
“Carry Anywhere” AEDs: For employees who frequently work remotely or travel, providing “carry anywhere” AEDs can enhance their safety. Ensure they are trained on how to use these devices effec- tively. “Carry anywhere” AEDs should be compact and easy to carry, making them practical for remote or mobile work environments.
Shared Workspaces: Ensure that shared workspaces and co- working facilities used by employees are equipped with AEDs. Col- laborate with facility management to ensure compliance with safety protocols. Verifying the presence and maintenance of AEDs in shared spaces helps protect employees no matter where they work.
Ensure workplace safety by establishing comprehensive and compli- ant AED programs that focus on selecting the right device and train- ing your organization to respond effectively and deliver high-quality CPR. By equipping employees with the necessary training and re- sources, maintaining readiness, and complying with relevant regu- lations, workplaces can significantly enhance their emergency pre- paredness. This proactive approach can save lives and foster a culture of safety and responsibility.
By staying informed and prepared, health and safety profession- als can lead the charge in creating safer workplaces where employees feel secure, knowing they are equipped to handle cardiac emergen- cies effectively. As we navigate the evolv-
ing landscape of work, these practices
remain a cornerstone of comprehensive
workplace safety strategies.
Ian Durrant is the Sr. Manager, Global Public Safety Marketing for ZOLL Medical Corporation and has been in the industry for almost 20 years.
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