Page 42 - OHS, September 2024
P. 42

                   DEFIBRILLATION & CPR
Empowering Workplace Safety: Essential Defib & CPR Practices
Implementing and maintaining robust CPR and defibrillation programs in the workplace are critical to enhancing emergency preparedness and saving lives.
Cardiac events are one of the lead- ing causes of death in the work- place, and immediate response is critical to increasing the chances
of survival.1 This article delves into the es- sential practices of defibrillation and cardio- pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the work- place. We will explore practical applications, best practices for maintaining readiness, compliance requirements, and consider- ations for hybrid work environments, aim- ing to equip safety and health professionals with actionable insights to enhance emer- gency preparedness.
The Importance of
Defibrillation and CPR
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a medical emergency where the heart suddenly stops beating normally. It can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Immediate defibrilla- tion and high-quality CPR can significantly increase the chances of survival. The inte- gration of comprehensive on-site programs with Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and trained personnel in work- places is crucial to addressing this health threat effectively.
Defibrillation, using an AED, involves delivering a controlled electric shock to the heart to “reset” the heart. CPR, on the other hand, helps maintain vital blood flow to the heart and brain until professional medical help arrives. When both are used promptly, they can significantly reduce the mortality rate from cardiac arrests in the workplace. According to the American Heart Associa- tion, immediate CPR and early defibrillation with an AED can increase the survival rate from sudden cardiac arrest to 60% or more.2
Practical Applications of Emergency Response Techniques
1. Training and Drills
Regular training and emergency drills are paramount. Training should cover CPR techniques and proper use of AEDs, ensur- ing employees can act swiftly and effective- ly. Various organizations offer comprehen- sive training programs that can be tailored
to specific workplace environments. Scenario-Based Training: Incorpo- rate scenario-based training to simulate real-life emergencies. This helps employ- ees react appropriately under pressure and increases their confidence in handling car- diac events. By practicing realistic scenar- ios, employees can better understand the urgency and correct procedures required
during an actual emergency.
Frequency of Training: Conducting
annual or bi-annual refresher courses en- sures that employees remain proficient in CPR and AED usage. Regular training up- dates also help incorporate any new guide- lines or techniques. Ensuring that employ- ees remain up-to-date with their training is critical, as it helps to reinforce knowledge and skills, reducing the chances of hesita- tion or errors during a real emergency.3
2. Accessibility of AEDs
AEDs should be strategically placed throughout the workplace, ensuring they are accessible within a short distance of any location. Clear signage should direct employees to AED locations, and these de- vices should be regularly maintained and tested to ensure functionality.
Strategic Placement: AEDs should be placed in high-traffic areas such as lobbies, break rooms, and near elevators. In larger workplaces, multiple AEDs may be neces- sary to ensure timely access. The key is to
ensure that an AED can be reached and brought to the victim within three min- utes, which is critical in increasing the chances of survival.4
Clear Instructions: Each AED should come with clear, easy-to-understand in- structions. Visual guides or instructional videos can be placed near the AED to assist untrained individuals during an emergency. In addition, having a straightforward and intuitive design, possibly with real-time feedback features like voice prompts and visual indicators, can help bystanders feel more confident in using the device even without formal training.
3. Developing Emergency Response Teams
Establishing a dedicated emergency re- sponse team composed of trained volunteers can significantly enhance workplace safety. These teams should be well-versed in CPR, AED use, and emergency protocols, and they should conduct regular refresher training sessions.
Role Clarity: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member. This ensures efficient coordination and re- sponse during an emergency. Each member should know their specific tasks, whether it’s calling emergency services, performing CPR, or retrieving and using the AED.
Regular Drills: Conducting regular emergency drills with the response team
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