Page 76 - OHS, July/August 2024
P. 76

                   EMERGING SAFETY TRENDS
Enhancing Employee Engagement with VR, AI and 3D Tools
When done correctly, a combination of new technology and traditional methods can create the perfect balance of engaging, thoughtful training that employees need.
When training misses the mark, it can impact every- thing from employee retention to the company’s bottom line. It’s up to company leaders to ensure training programs are providing value to the orga- nization at all times.
Job training is important to 86 percent1 of employees, and yet, many companies still struggle in routinely updating training and finding ways to keep it engaging. In today’s ever-evolving techno- logical landscape, businesses have seen a major shift in the tech- nology available to them, and leaders now have access to tools like virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D technology. When done correctly, a combination of this technology—along- side tried-and-true training methods, can create the perfect bal- ance of engaging, thoughtful training that employees need.
As the world rapidly evolves, now is the time for companies to take advantage of these advancements to ensure they are staying up-to-date with employee training and requirements and don’t fall behind the competition.
The impact of Updated Training
Companies that keep training materials updated reap the benefits of engaged, knowledgeable employees across the board. These in- vestments can lead to an 11 percent2 increase in company profit- ability year-over-year. However, it’s essential that company leaders routinely update training materials in order to keep employees knowledgeable and meet new requirements.
As a best practice, training materials should be updated every one to three years, depending on the topic. Some organizations, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), update codes on a three-year cycle. To keep training accurate and employ-
ees prepared, it’s critical that proactive monitoring alerts are set up for regulation changes and capacity is allotted to change cor- responding company materials.
While keeping track of all these changes sounds overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. Legislation tracking systems, including Fiscal- Note and PolicyEngage, allow for proactive monitoring of chang- ing regulations, and new AI tools can be set up to alert the user of any changes made on regulatory websites. When legislation track- ing systems are paired with online training providers, the legwork on the company side is minimal. Leading training providers keep their data routinely updated to ensure company employees always have the right information at their fingertips.
Keeping Employees Engaged
One of the most desirable benefits of updated training is that it keeps employees engaged and invested in their work. Learners tend to tune out if they’re required to complete the same modules year after year. Even if not required, frequent updates and changes in modality, such as VR eLearning, podcasts or microlearning, can be helpful in refreshing courses and improving knowledge reten- tion among employees.
Engaging training can also improve employee morale with 68 percent3 of employees saying training is essential to job satisfac- tion. When employees are taught new skills and abilities, it en- hances their performance and shows them that their growth and safety are valued.
Employee training is meant to keep organizations safe and ef- fective. The power of updated training cannot be understated as they truly equip workforces with the knowledge they need to be successful.
74 Occupational Health & Safety | JULY/AUGUST 2024
   Alessandro Biascioli/

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