Page 87 - OHS, June 2024
P. 87

                       Investing in corporate leaders, field leaders and frontline workers forms the foundation of an effective safety culture. Successful organizations empower their leaders with the right resources.
safety-centric culture. While developing skills and awareness is crucial, soft skills sustain a safe culture over time.
Field leadership programs not only enforce hard skills but also teach the soft skills, such as listening and leading, needed to empow- er individuals to be safety leaders in the field. This approach encour- ages leaders to pay attention to new employees, foster a supportive environment and instill a top-down commitment to safety through productivity, quality and project management.
Establishing strong relationships, starting from the onboarding process, is crucial. According to Tony Govind, director of human resources at Adolfson & Peterson Construction (AP), genuine conversations during the onboarding process — facilitated by the director of safety — build trust, common ground, and a height- ened sense of care and concern for one another’s safety.
Cultivating a Thriving Safety Culture
A successful safety culture transcends traditional enforcement methods, moving away from punitive measures toward emphasiz- ing the human aspect of safety. Employee involvement and posi- tive recognition play pivotal roles in building and sustaining a ro- bust safety culture.
Employees are less likely to make risky decisions when remind- ed of the personal motivations behind working safely: their homes and loved ones. A deeper awareness of colleagues’ personal lives encourages intervention when unsafe situations arise.
Safety should be integrated into everyday work. Initiatives like start- ing daily meetings with a “Safety Spotlight” can encourage employees to share firsthand experiences with job danger, express thoughts on daily safety concerns and volunteer for safety responsibilities.
Employee buy-in and involvement are key to a strong safety culture. Engaging people at various levels is vital, creating a sense of pride and making employees feel like they’re part of the solu- tion. Establishing a safety committee with representatives from various departments and tenures is crucial to ensure ongoing em- ployee involvement. This committee can discuss trends, address outstanding issues, review incident reports and share best prac- tices for continuous improvement.
In addition to employee involvement, recognizing and rewarding
JUNE 2024 | Occupational Health & Safety 85
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