Page 75 - OHS, June 2024
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                        A safe workplace is not a luxury but a necessity.
being implemented?
These questions help identify areas where
your current safety measures are falling short. Additionally, benchmarking against industry best practices can provide insight into areas for improvement and innovation in your EHS strategies. After assessing current EHS prati- ces, the next step is to explore how modern solutions, like technology, can elevate EHS strategies to new heights.
How Technology Enhances EHS
Technology integration into EHS has revo- lutionized its management, shifting the focus towards more predictive and preven- tive strategies.
Some types of technological advance- ments are reshaping EHS management, offer- ing promising solutions to enhance workplace safety and efficiency, including the following:
■ Virtual reality (VR) training simula- tions. VR training simulations immerse em- ployees in realistic scenarios to practice safe- ty procedures without real-world risks. These simulations improve learning retention and decision-making skills, preparing workers to respond effectively to emergencies.
■ Predictive maintenance systems. Predictive maintenance predicts equip- ment failures using data analytics, reduc- ing the risk of unexpected breakdowns. By proactively identifying issues, organiza- tions can minimize downtime and main- tenance costs, ensuring reliable operations and safer work environments.
■ Internet of Things (IoT) sensors. IoT sensors monitor environmental conditions and employee health in real time. From air quality to physiological indicators, these sen- sors provide valuable insights to mitigate risks and enhance worker well-being. Wearable IoT devices can detect signs of ergonomic or heat stress, promoting proactive health man- agement. By looking at physiological signs, sensors monitor workers’ vital signs, such as heart rate and core body temperature, alerting
them to potential health risks like heat stress or musculoskeletal (MSD) injuries.
■ Drones. Drones represent another leap in technology for EHS. They are in- strumental in hard-to-reach or hazard- ous areas, providingreal-time surveillance without exposing human workers to risk.
Benefits of EHS Technologies
The advantages of adopting these technolo- gies are numerous. Real-time connectiv- ity, data and alerting allow for immediate response to potential hazards, drastically reducing emergency response time.
Predictive analytics are crucial in risk as- sessment, identifying potential safety breach- es before they result in accidents or injuries. This enhances workplace safety and boosts employee morale, as workers feel more se- cure knowing that proactive measures are in place to protect their health and well-being.
Furthermore, these technologies allow for better compliance with regulatory re- quirements, enabling easy access to accu- rate data that demonstrates adherence to safety standards. However, companies will never achieve these benefits without first focusing on properly integrating EHS tech- nology into their workflows.
Integrating EHS
Technology Solutions
The first step is establishing a clear EHS tech- nology integration strategy and identifying specific safety goals. Are you looking to re- duce workplace accidents, improve emergen- cy response or ensure regulatory compliance?
After setting these goals, evaluate how to utilize technology to achieve them. This may involve a gap analysis to identify the areas technology can impact most. It’s also important to consider the long-term vision of your EHS strategy and how the chosen technology will adapt to future changes and advancements.
Choosing the Right Technology
Selecting the right technology requires careful consideration of several factors:
■ Ease-of-use. If a technology is too complex or unintuitive, the workforce may not adopt it effectively.
■ Scalability. The technology should be able to grow with your business and adapt to changing needs. This also includes new potential features by the vendor to grow to other parts of your business.
should seamlessly integrate with existing systems to ensure a smooth transition and avoid data silos.
■ Cost-effectiveness. Affordability and ROI are always vital considerations for any business.
■ Data Security. Look for technologies that offer robust cybersecurity and privacy features, which are especially important in today’s digital age.
Implementation and Training
The success of any new technology depends heavily on its implementation and the train- ing provided to the users. A phased imple- mentation approach can be effective, starting with a pilot program to test the technology in a controlled environment. Many vendors understand the challenge of implementing new technology and offer free trials. Dur- ing the pilot, it is best practice to gather all stakeholders from across the organization such as in IT, Legal and Procurement to en- sure a smooth rollout. Feedback from this phase can guide the full-scale rollout.
Training is equally important. Employ- ees should know how to use the new tech- nology and understand its importance in their daily work. Continuous training and support are essential to ensure long-term adoption and effectiveness.
As workplaces evolve and safety concerns become increasingly complex, the integration of technology into EHS strategies has become more critical than ever. By embracing emerg- ing technologies, organizations can proac- tively address safety challenges, enhance employee well-being and achieve operational excellence. With a commitment to continu- ous improvement and a focus on leveraging cutting-edge solutions, businesses can create safer, healthier and more productive work environments for their employees, ultimately driving long-term success and sustainability.
Zack Braun, CEO of SlateSafety, co-founded the company during his studies at Georgia Tech in 2016, securing over $4M in funding from NSG, DoD, and DHS through 7 SBIRs, while advancing real-time worker safety technology, driven by his passion for impact- ful wearable and IoT applications.
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   ■ Integration. The new technology
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