Page 74 - OHS, June 2024
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Assessing EHS Needs: Making the Case for Technology in the Workplace
Modernizing safety protocols involves integrating technology into EHS management.
Imagine it’s a typical warm summer day. Your project is moving along, but as each week passes, setbacks pull the project off the pace to completion. As the pressure to meet project milestones builds, your team has to streamline processes to keep up with
the project plan. Soon the typical water, rest and shade protocol be- comes insufficient, and you are tasked with creating and implement- ing an actual heat stress management policy. You know people are getting too hot but you don’t have the data to prove it.
The Rising Importance of EHS in Modern Workplaces
The rising importance of environmental health and safety (EHS) comes from a collective understanding that a safe workplace is not a luxury but a necessity. This understanding is compounded by the dynamic nature of modern workplaces, which encompass diverse environments, novel materials and advanced machinery.
Ethical considerations, such as corporate social responsibil- ity (CSR), have also significantly influenced EHS’s growing focus. Companies now recognize that ensuring employee health and safety reflects positively on their brand and is crucial to employee retention and satisfaction.
Recent Trends and Statistics
Statistically, the urgency for robust EHS measures is evident. Ac- cording to The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), nearly 5,500 work- ers died on the job in 2022.1 BLS also reports that private industry employers reported almost 3 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses in 2022.2
Heat-related illnesses are particularly a growing concern and are often underestimated. The increasing frequency of extreme weather conditions due to climate change exacerbates this issue, making it more critical than ever for businesses to adopt comprehensive EHS strategies that are both proactive and reactive. Each work environment presents its unique set of challenges. With the undeniable significance of EHS now in focus, all organizations must identify their specific EHS needs.
Identifying EHS Needs in Your Workplace
A distinct set of risks characterizes each work environment, such as the dangers of operating heavy machinery or exposure to chem- icals. Similarly, in the healthcare sector, workers are exposed to biohazards, ergonomic risks and emotional stress.
Conducting a thorough risk assessment involves identifying these hazards and understanding the frequency and severity of po- tential incidents. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of worker safety are considered, from physical hazards to ergonomic and pschological risks.
Assessing Your Current EHS Practices
Evaluating your current EHS practices is crucial. This involves re- viewing accident reports, examining workplace processes and en- gaging with employees to understand their safety concerns.
Some questions could be:
■ Are safety drills conducted regularly?
■ Is there a clear protocol for reporting hazards?
■ How effectively are safety training and educational programs
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