Page 37 - OHS, April/May 2024
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                                 The Diverse Forms of Digital Fire
As industries and institutions embrace the digital revolution in fire safety train- ing, the variety of Digital Fire tools and technologies at their disposal is expand- ing. These innovative solutions not only enhance the realism and efficacy of train- ing but also provide flexibility and safety previously unattainable with traditional methods.
■ Digital Panels and Extinguishers: Pairing digital panels with laser-driven ex- tinguishers, this tech simulates fires safely, vital for industries from healthcare to man- ufacturing.
■ Virtual Reality (VR): VR transports trainees into realistic scenarios for com- prehensive fire response practice, ideal for aviation and oil & gas sectors.
■ Digital Panels for Hoseline Train- ing: These portable panels offer advanced fire hose handling practice, essential for firefighters and adaptable for use across settings especially for industrial fire bri- gades wanting to train in specific facility locations.
Beyond simulators and virtual envi- ronments, hands-on training tools play a crucial role in fire safety education. De- vices such as pull stations, electrical cutoff switches, and simulated smoke and fog ma- chines allow trainees to interact with equip- ment they might encounter during a fire emergency. These tools help reinforce the importance of a comprehensive response strategy, including initiating alarms, cut- ting power to prevent electrical fires, and navigating through visibility-impairing conditions. By integrating these practical elements into training sessions, partici- pants gain a well-rounded understanding of emergency response procedures.
The diversity of Digital Fire training tools marks a significant advancement in fire safety education. By offering a range of realistic, interactive, and safe training op- tions, these technologies cater to the unique needs of various industries and scenarios. Whether it’s handling a fire extinguisher with precision, making split-second deci- sions in a virtual emergency, or mastering the control of a fire hose, the array of digital and hands-on tools available today ensures that fire safety training is more comprehen- sive and effective than ever.
In essence, the evolution of Digital Fire technologies is not just transforming the way fire safety training is conducted; it’s
also significantly enhancing the prepared- ness and confidence of individuals across multiple sectors. As we continue to inno- vate and expand the capabilities of these training tools, the future of fire safety edu- cation looks brighter—and safer—for ev- eryone involved.
Making Safety Engaging, Educational and Fun
Across these diverse industries, the shift to Digital Fire has been marked by posi- tive outcomes and transformative experi- ences. In the healthcare sector, staff report a newfound confidence in handling fire emergencies within patient areas. Trans- portation employees appreciate the tai- lored scenarios that mirror their real-world environments, while manufacturing plants have seen a marked improvement in safety culture.
Whether it’s a friendly rivalry between sorority and fraternity on a college cam- pus or a spirited competition between the night shift and the day shift at a manufac- turing plant, gamification of Digital Fire has made fire extinguisher training not just informative, but also fun and engag- ing. As more educational and corporate institutions adopt digital fire simulations, incorporating competitive elements like leaderboards and time trials into their programs, they’re seeing a remarkable up- tick in participation. These games add an element of excitement to the crucial task of learning fire safety, turning what was once a mandatory training session into aneventthatparticipantslookforwardto and actively engage in, solidifying the re- tentionoflife-savingskills.
The widespread adoption of Digital Fire across industries signals a new era in fire safety training. Its ability to simulate a wide range of scenarios with precision and without real world physical risk presents a significant advancement over traditional training methods which will only continue to grow with the pace of technology. As in- dustries continue to evolve, the flexibility, safety, and efficiency of Digital Fire make it an indispensable tool in the pursuit of a safer world.
Matthew Gardner , MBA, is the Market- ing Director of Training Products for LION Group Inc., which provides fire safety train- ing tools, PPE and gear cleaning and main- tenance solutions.
APRIL/MAY 2024 | Occupational Health & Safety 37

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