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                                                                                      a slip or fall was $49,971 in 2021. Indirect costs such as reduced productivity or lost work time can also be associated with slips, trips, and falls.
ThThere are many solutions to help eliminate slip, trip, and fall hazards. Some of the most widely used include:
■ Cleaning up spilled liquids with spill kits. Typically, a kit should be stored as close to a liquid storage area as possible. If the liquid source moves, it’s best to store the kit near drains or other heavily trafficked areas.
■ Employing items that add traction. Low traction is one of the most dangerous slip, trip, and fall hazards because it’s difficult to identify. Liquid, debris, and worn surfaces can all lead to a re- duced coefficient of friction (CoF) which is the amount of friction between two surfaces. Slips and falls happen when the CoF be- tween two surfaces is insufficient. Proper footwear, drainage mats, absorbent adhesive-backed mats, and textured floor surfaces can increase CoF.
■ Signify designated areas with floor marking tape. Objects such as boxes, tools, cords, and other clutter can lead to an incident, so floor marking tape can be used to clearly identify walkways and help prevent employees from placing items in those areas.
■ Drawing attention to high-risk areas with floor signs. Sometimes eliminating slip, trip, and fall hazards isn’t possible. If you have problem areas where hazards happen often, it’s important
to highlight the danger. Wet flfloor signs or other marking devices can be used to bring attention to these hazards.
■ Using proper weather control procedures. Most facilities will see rain or snow throughout the year, and that can cause haz- ards at entryways. Entrance mats, flfloor drying fans, and ice/snow control can help reduce these issues.
While the severity of a slip, trip, and fall hazard can vary, it’s important to identify and correct the hazard immediately. Slip, trip and fall prevention is a constant battle that requires continual vigilance to identify potential hazards and quickly rectify them. Maintenance of a safe walking-working surface will take time and resources, but that’s a small price to pay compared to the risk of employee safety, steep fines, and reduced production.
Dan Ankney is Technical Service at New Pig Corporation. He spent the beginning of his career as an EHS Coordinator, building his Envi- ronmental and Safety knowledge. He has a Bachelor’s degree in envi- ronmental, health and safety.
1. For the most recent data on slips, trips and falls in the workplace, see “Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries and Illnesses – 2021-2022” from the the Bureau of Labor Statistics at
APRIL/MAY 2024 | Occupational Health & Safety 35
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