Page 52 - Occupational Health & Safety, December 2018
P. 52

There seems to be an opportu- nity for a synergy, not division, between these two well-estab- lished effective strategies that addresses the shortcomings of both processes.
division, between these two well-estab- lished effective strategies that addresses the shortcomings of both processes.
A Case for Predictive-Based Safety
With the obsessive use of smartphones,
tablets, high-power networks, and social networking, safety professionals have more access to ground breaking Internet-of- things (IoT) technology than ever before. However, few safety departments take full advantage of this technological edge. This advantage is especially relevant to BBS pro- cesses that produce a large quantity of data. If you look at any recent newspapers, mag- azines, or websites, you will most likely find a reference to “Big Data,” “Predictive Ana- lytics,” or Business Intelligence.” Predictive analytics is the study and use of large data sets to predict or forecast. Business intel-
Business intelligence and predictive analytics will be a part of everyone’s jobs, if it is not already.
ligence and predictive analytics will be a part of everyone’s jobs, if it is not already. And, there is no other area in businesses that could benefit more from using “Safety Analytics” than our safety departments.
It is possible to use your data to predict where your next injury will occur, if you use your data. As organizations upgrade their processes to Predictive-Based Safety through improved technique and real-time data analysis, they will be better equipped to act on their safety analytics. Ideally, us- ing leading and lagging indicators, paired with the power of modern analytics, will help us understand patterns to identify where the next incident, near miss, or criti- cal failure could occur. With accuracy rates as high as 86 percent, predictive analytics have helped organizations save lives.
The safety field collects a plethora of data, from safety observations to near misses. Unfortunately, this critical safety intelligence is often not used, is misused, or is just plain ignored. So our challenge is to use safety analytics to help us predict latent weaknesses in our processes and systems and proactively use the data to create re- silient organizations, help them fail safely, and predict and eliminate incidents. To make this happen, our organizations need to create a process for acting upon the in- telligence gained from BBS and HOP tools. Thus, the need for Predictive-Based Safety:
1) Leadership Engagement: During a scheduled weekly leadership meeting, safety analytics should be shared—not by safety, but by operations. The safety pro- fessional can help provide the actional in- formation, but the leadership should own the data.
2) Week-look-Back: Much like an emergency room physician, our leaders need to use our observational intelligence to check “vitals” and “diagnose” potential concerns. BBS provides insights into how activities are being performed, while HOP tools help clarify the context of the actions observed. During the meeting, operations shares last week’s data such as open issues that have been successfully addressed, inci- dents/injuries, and any other leading indi-
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