Page 91 - Occupational Health & Safety, October 2018
P. 91

Your feet are the root of your body and when not kept healthy, can ultimately cause pain in your knees, hips, and back. Protecting your feet is a proactive way to prevent debilitating health conditions and boost your healthfulness.
the Personal Anti-Fatigue Mat (PAM) Insole, Dr. Orvitz and his revolutionary designs have paved the way for employees to experience enhanced comfort, decreased pain and fa- tigue creating a safer more productive work- place. With more than 15 years of experience in various industries, Dr. Orvitz has studied all aspects of biomechanics and the human body, specifically the lower body and feet. As the costs of absenteeism and injuries skyrock- et, he has now positioned MEGAComfort as an innovative, leading-edge company that brings new technological health solutions to the workplace to help decrease employee risks and employer medical costs.
foam technology, such as these personal anti-fatigue mat insoles, provide optimum support and comfort—instantly giving relief to their feet and preventing unruly, work-related aches and pains.
Foot Protection from 9-to-5
Even though active and physically demand- ing jobs may have a higher foot injury rate, individuals working a 9-to-5 desk job can still find themselves with similar foot inju- ries. Employees who do not walk enough during the day are prone to weak ankles, leading to strains, foot cramping, back pain, and even arthritis. In order to avoid this, employees should take it upon themselves to take a few walking breaks throughout the day. Doing small movements, such as ankle rolls under the desk or calf lifts during a break, can help keep foot muscles strong. Whether an employee is sedentary or active, the same principle applies; Supportive foot- wear with added comfort and shock absorp- tion can prevent injury, illness, and fatigue.
Regardless of profession, various work- place responsibilities place employees at risk for foot injuries. Workers suffering from pain and injury are forced to take time off of work. While it is not ideal to miss work to heal and recover, it is also impor- tant to focus on how these injuries affect us outside of work and why we need to take recovery seriously. Your feet are the root of your body and when not kept healthy, can ultimately cause pain in your knees, hips, and back. Protecting your feet is a proac- tive way to prevent debilitating health con- ditions and boost your healthfulness.
In order to steer clear of injuries, indi- viduals must remember to focus on foot preparedness, because healing a foot in- jury is much harder than preventing one. Utilizing puncture-resistant insoles, com- posite-toe overshoes where needed, wear- ing anti-fatigue insoles regularly, investing in sturdy footwear with good traction and arch support, and working out your ankles and feet whenever you have the time can all help in reducing your chances of ex- periencing foot injuries—no matter what occupation. Regardless of an individual’s workplace or level of activity, there is one
thing that remains true: Employees and employers should all work together to cre- ate a workplace culture of healthfulness, starting from the ground up.
Dr. Kevan Orvitz is a Veteran Podiatrist and the founder of MEGAComfort (http://mega-, a workplace health and well- ness company. Best known for his creation of
Circle 32 on card. See us at NSC, Booth 3640

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