Page 90 - Occupational Health & Safety, October 2018
P. 90

Circle 44 on card.
Puncture resistant anti-fatigue insoles not only support and com- fort workers, but also they provide much-needed protection from objects that can penetrate and potentially stab workers.
Managers and temporary workers who visit construction sites also need to be cautious and benefit from composite-toe overshoes, which are easy to slip over most shoes and prevent injury from fall- ing objects. These items are best used for temporary protection when moving large objects and when on site where material may be falling unexpectedly.
Assemble the Foot Protection
While physically demanding jobs such as construction tend to be thought of as dangerous, assembly line workers can also experience many on-site injuries. Assembly line workers are an integral part of manufacturing goods, but their close proximity to heavy machin- ery and the amount of time spent of their feet can be a recipe for disaster. The machines these workers are using can be extremely harmful when used incorrectly and can even cost people their limbs, or worse, their lives.
Workers who stand in the same place for a long period of time put themselves at risk for arthritis, back and posture problems, and severe foot pain. Although factory workers often stand in the same position and area for hours on end, it is common to experience slips, trips and falls. These employees often spend the majority of their time in workstations with anti-fatigue matting. Although these mats are placed with good intentions, they are often the cul- prit of countless disasters and accidents.
Floor matting frequently peels, becomes uneven, and collects debris, making them dangerous hazards for slips, trips, and falls. Employers can save time, money, and the headache of installing, repairing, and maintaining costly anti-fatigue matting by swapping them for personalized anti-fatigue mat insoles. Starting an anti-fa- tigue insole program not only reduces slips, trips, and falls, but also these products provide each employee with constant and continu- ous support and shock absorption.
According to the 2016 edition of the National Safety Council chart book “Injury Facts,” slips, trips, and falls in the United States alone resulted in 44.5 million injuries, costing companies $967.9 billion. To help prevent these slip-ups, assembly line workers should invest in sturdy footwear, such as protective work boots, that provide arch support and have good traction. Boots that are cut higher give the ankle added protection and ideal traction for an environment with slick and cluttered floors.
Supporting Foot Health
Professional drivers, such as bus drivers and truckers, are at a higher risk of foot injuries than one might think. These employees are often seated for most of the day. Transportation professionals are prone to weakened foot muscles, which can lead to sprains and strains. When these workers are in action, they are typically required to lift heavy objects while unloading vehicles, climbing in and out of raised transportation. Combine this burst of physically demanding activity with a lot of sedentary time and you have a recipe for fatigue and disaster.
All of these motions point straight toward foot injuries. To help reduce the risks associated with this job, it is best for these men and women to wear anti-fatigue insoles to give their feet the comfort, control, and shock absorption needed. Insoles that use memory

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