Page 29 - Mobility Management, April 2017
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Help us build the future of HME.
2017 Washington Legislative Conference May 24 - 25, 2017 | Washington, DC
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. -Socrates
Your attendance strengthens HME’s voice on Capitol Hill!
A new administration and strong relationships built on Capitol Hill in recent years set the stage for more public policy gains for HME in 2017 and beyond. Join us at the Washington Legislative Conference as we build on this momentum in seeking permanent solutions for competitive bidding and reimbursement for HME, and educating legislators on the effects of CMS double dipping on oxygen payments. Help us build a new future for HME.
Network with influencers from across the HME sector who are taking a leadership role in advocacy efforts while attending the Washington Legislative Conference at the Washington Court Hotel, May 24-25.
To help build the foundation for success, AAHomecare has changed the legislative conference format and adjusted the price to encourage everyone to attend. Find out more information and register at
Schedule At A Glance
May 24
7:00-9:30 am Continental Breakfast
12 noon
Lunch & Keynote Address
1:00-5:00 pm
Issue Education & Capitol Hill Meetings
6:00 pm
PAC Reception
May 25
7:00-9:30 am
Breakfast & Retrieve Materials for Hill Meetings
9:30 am-4:30 pm Capitol Hill Meetings
5:00-6:30 pm
Capitol Hill Reception
Washington Legislative Conference | May 24-25, 2017
Washington Court Hotel | 525 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington, DC

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