Page 28 - Mobility Management, April 2017
P. 28
product revue
M3 Corpus
Permobil fans might have seen this
coming when the manufacturer’s
front-wheel-drive F3 and F5 power
bases launched last year, and at the
International Seating Symposium in
March, the company made its new
mid-wheel-drive power base official.
The M3 has some familiar character-
istics to those who know the F3/F5
series, but the new arrival has plenty
more to boast about. Consider the
added stability via a unique suspension
geometry and linear spring design,
plus a patent-pending FlexLink suspen-
sion for advanced vibration reduction. These additions enable the M3 to achieve full suspension at any seat elevation (up to 12" of elevation avail- able as an option). When the seat is elevated, the seating system moves rearward 3.5" to optimize the M3’s stability — and the M3 can drive up to 3.2 mph at that 12" elevated height. The Corpus seating system also offers 0-50° posterior tilt and options of 5°, 10° or 20° of anterior tilt to promote what Permobil is calling the Active Reach positions that can facilitate activities and transfers. The M3 Corpus has a 300-lb. weight capacity, a maximum speed of 6 mph, seat-to-floor heights starting at 17.5", and 85-120° (manual) or 85-180° (power) recline.
(800) 736-0925
Quickie QM-7 Enhancements
Sunrise Medical’s popular mid-wheel-
drive QM-7 power chair has a series of
enhancements aimed at optimizing
and fine-tuning its performance for
every user’s particular needs. SureTrac
Encoder Motor Technology (pictured)
automatically corrects small deviations in
its user’s driving, resulting in a straighter
ride that requires fewer input corrections
and overall, a more comfortable ride. SureTrac’s
self-compensating drive control accounts for resis-
tance at each of the QM-7’s wheels and sends appropriate amperage to each motor. That acts to neutralize different terrains such as carpet, hardwood floors and slopes. The QM-7 also is compatible with an array of electronics options, including PG Drives’ joystick with built-in Bluetooth and infrared controls; an Advanced Ctrl+5 toggles and buttons (also pictured, to conveniently access up to five seating functions, and with a handy USB port that can charge mobile devices) and Switch-It’s Dual Pro proportional head array.
Sunrise Medical
(800) 333-4000
28 april 2017 | mobilitymanagement
The latest introduction (at press
time) to Numotion’s online store
is the TEK RMD (for “robotic
mobilization device”) from
Matia Robotics. Numotion, TEK’s
exclusive American distributor,
describes it as a motorized standing movement device for manual wheelchair users, who can transfer into and operate the TEK inde- pendently thanks to its design. Boarding the TEK is done from the back of the device, and it uses a gas spring mechanism to balance the weight of the user. The TEK could draw comparisons in various ways to a patient lift, a standing frame and a manual wheelchair. But in function and operation (it drives via a joystick), TEK has unique qualities, including a smaller footprint than a traditional standing frame, and a smaller turning footprint and a more upright stance than a traditional standing wheelchair, which could make it easier
for TEK users to reach and engage in various activities while standing. A remote control enables users to independently bring the TEK to them and send it away.
(877) 876-5332
Automatic Head & Backrest/
Seatbelt Anchorage
A new hand-controlled adjust- ment feature allows wheel- chair users to travel in greater comfort and safety in automo- tive vehicles. The system has the ability to customize head, back and neck adjustments, and the device’s patented design meets all applicable regulations —
it can withstand 15G rear and
20G frontal collision forces.
This anchorage is compatible
with AMF-Bruns restraint systems, can be turned inward toward the vehicle wall to save space when the vehicle doesn’t have a wheelchair passenger, and can be either side or floor mounted. The system is also easy to install, move and clean.
AMF-Bruns of America
(478) 508-3933