Page 8 - HME Business, March 2017
P. 8

Editor’s Note
Don’t Stop Moving
HME providers grew a lot over the past several years. They must maintain their momentum.
Volume 24 Number 3 March 2017
Editor Products Editor
Publication Design Production Coordinator
Director of Online Product Development
Group Publisher
David Kopf
(949) 265-1561
Sydny Shepard
Wendy Byle, Byle Design Charles Johnson
Marlin Mowatt Karen Cavallo
(760) 610-0800
A body in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. That’s
from Newton’s First Law of Motion, and I’ve
been thinking a lot about it in terms of where the industry currently finds itself. We’re at a point where the industry is now seeing a light at the end of the tunnel after years of struggling, and that’s leaving me feeling a little unsettled.
What do physics and the business of providing home medical equipment have to do with each other? Well, at first blush maybe not a lot, but I have a personal relationship with Mr. Newton’s First Law.
Lesson Learned
At a fairly young age — early teens — I got into backpacking. It’s an amazing pursuit for a young person. Provided you get the right instruction and know what you’re doing, there is nothing more amazing that spending some quality time with Mother Nature. It’s an instant reminder of how magnificent this world and everything around it really are.
But it can also be downright exhausting. Humping a 15- or 20-pound pack up a seemingly endless series of switchbacks in order to get higher and deeper into the mountains can absolutely beat you into submission. At the base of the climb,
you start out chipper and confident, completely assured you’ll soar right up the ascent. By half-way up — and perhaps earlier — you start considering thoughts of turning around, as the top appears further and further away. And when you finally get to the top, the only thing you want to do is sit and take a break.
Which is exactly the last thing you want to do. One minute resting will easily turn into five and then 30. In fact, unless anyone kicks you free from your spot, there’s a good chance you will wind up sleeping on the hillside.
But if you keep that body in motion? Well, it’ll stay in motion. I learned early on that you need to keep on moving and pushing, no matter what, and especially when the path is easy.
Which leads me back to the industry. We just crested one heck of a hill. After several years of suffering through competitive bidding mayhem, getting buried by audits, and dealing with a variety
of other hassles, the industry is now looking at a legislative and regulatory landscape that is looking a lot more hospitable. The long years of fighting might finally be over. (For more details on that, read this month’s cover story, “Fingers Crossed,” on page 20. It features a variety of experts who will tell you how the situation has changed and what the industry plans to do next.)
No Rest for the Weary
And that’s what worries me: The industry
has worked extremely hard to redefine itself throughout its struggles, and in the process it has become more robust and resourceful.
Businesses that had once depended on Medicare for 80 percent of their revenues figured out how to diversify their revenue streams through opportuni- ties such as retail sales, private payer insurance and facilities-based care, so that they have much more sustainable cash flow.
Businesses once using cobbled-together billing procedures, bloated inventory and inefficient workflows leveraged the capabilities of information technology to create highly efficient businesses with extremely low cost overheads and billing procedures that ensure fast funding.
Business that were struggling to find ways to provide quality care in the face of winnowing reimbursement started using patient monitoring to not only improve outcomes but reinforce their referral relationships.
Despite all the trouble HME providers faced during the years leading up to this welcome reprieve, they not only fought for their businesses and patients on Capitol Hill, but they created much more agile, resilient and sustainable busi- ness models in the process. Now that the industry might finally be seeing an end to an arduous climb, for pity’s sake do not stop to take a break. Now is the time to keep innovating, building and growing. Let’s stay in motion.
David Kopf Editor
HME Business
Steve Ackerman
President Spectrum Medical
Jeffrey S. Baird, Esq.
Chairman of the Health Care Group of Brown & Fortunato, P.C.
Rob Baumhover
Director of Retail Services for VGM Retail Services
Georgie Blackburn
Vice President, Government Relations and Legislative Affairs BLACKBURN’S
Todd Blockinger
Senior Director of Sales The MED Group
Rob Boyeye
Executive Vice President of HME Brightree LLC
Sandra Canally
The Compliance Team Inc.
George Coppola
Director of Marketing CAIRE Medical
John C Eberhart
President Eberhart Home Health Inc.
Brian LaDuke
Vice President, Marketing for North America Invacare Corp.
John Letizia
President of Laurel Medical Supplies Inc.
Joe Lewarski
Vice President of Global Respiratory and Sleep Drive Devilbiss
Ron Resnick
President Blue Chip Medical Products Inc.
Tom Ryan
President and CEO AAHomecare
Wayne Slavitt
Founder and CEO Mobül: The Mobility Store
Wayne van Halem
President and Founder The van Halem Group LLC
President & Group Publisher Group Publisher Group Circulation Director Group Marketing Director Group Social Media Editor
Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer Chief Technology Officer
Executive Vice President Executive Chairman
Kevin O’Grady Karen Cavallo Margaret Perry Susan May Matt Holden
Rajeev Kapur Henry Allain Erik A. Lindgren
Michael J. Valenti Jeffrey S. Klein
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