Page 58 - GCN, May 2016
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Representing Chief Information Y 0 u r e S 0 u r C e
i § Officers of the States f S t t | T
NASCIO is the premier network and resource for state ClOs and an advocate for
information technology at all levels of government. Visit for resources
that identify and promote leading practices and innovations that foster government
excellence through quality business practices, information management and
technology policy.

Publications -_=' Awards Library

Stay informed on issues  Browse hundreds of

impacting state IT _ innovative information

through NASCIO ——_ ' technology initiatives

publications, issue briefs, surveys submitted for the NASCIO

and toolkits. State IT Recognition Awards.

The Awards Library contains full
Topics include: nominations from 2001 to present
. h bl b , t , t t ,

- Cvbersewritv -  323$.-eam Tevii’§fLJfw§?§.”LoZf t:

' ‘T W0Fkf0VCe ' IT ACCe55ib“itY fellow states for ideas, inspiration

- Enterprise - Data Management and best PFaCt‘-C65 at

Architecture ‘Procurement

M°b“e APP-5 Cat3'°?. Member Profiles
Is there an app for that? The c|o5 from every
Visit NA5C'0-W8/aPP5 t0 state, the District of
explore mobile apps Columbia and two
Created by State . . . territories call NASCIO their
government to provide information f . lh NASCIO
and deliver services to constituents. :;:V?j:'SO:Ia3 t0°r:aet'e Contagtozfid
' BFOWS9 OVGF 350 aPP5 W State Or profile information and quick links

Cate3°tY to important state information at
- Download apps to test functionality YOUT fingeftipso Additl'.0nallY7 YPU

and eXp[0re Content and generate can also find contact information

ideas and quick links to our more than
Have an app? Visit the Catalog to 100 Corporate and assoclate

submit your app for inclusion. members‘

NASCIO ~’ n m “"19

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