Page 5 - FCW, May/June 2020
P. 5

Connolly: Pandemic response hindered by telework rollbacks
is the expected federal deficit for fiscal 2020 due to emergency COVID-19 spending
The Trump administration’s ability to keep the federal government operating during the COVID-19 pandemic was hindered by earlier decisions to scale back telework programs, according to Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s Government Operations Subcommittee.
“When this pandemic hit, we were actually less well equipped in telework than we had been several years ago,” Connolly said.
“Telework is the essence of agency continuity-of-operations planning,” he added. “It’s not a matter of whim. It’s a structured program. It usually is in
to telework, Connolly said.
But outdated technology does not
just affect remote workers. Many state agencies have not made new investments in IT systems since before the 2008 recession because of a lack of capital resources. “Now, with 26 million Americans filing for unemploy-
ment, the unemployment systems are crashing [and] can’t handle the volume of people filing” for benefits, Connolly said.
“A lot of managers approach IT almost like it’s a commodity, something to be ordered, purchased and installed,” he added. Instead, IT is integral to government operations.
“I hope this pandemic maybe further focuses that in our attention and in our minds because, unfortunate-
After significant prog- ress had been made dur- ing the Obama admin- istration, “sadly, this administration tried to roll back” agencies’ tele- work plans, Connolly said during a webinar in April.
“Telework is
the essence
of agency continuity-of- operations planning. It’s
not a matter
of whim. It’s
a structured program.” (D-Va.)
place for two or more days a week, it’s carefully monitored, and there are rules about what you have to do.”
Lack of infrastructure and equip- ment also restricts employees’ ability
First, he said, the Agriculture Department
phased out a successful
telework program at the
behest of the agency’s sec-
retary, and other agencies
followed suit, including
the Social Security Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Education Department and the Depart- ment of Housing and Urban Develop- ment.
Rep. Gerry Connolly
ly, it’s a painful lesson to learn,” he said. “I don’t know how often we have to learn this lesson, but I hope this time we’ve learned it in a very clear way.”
— Adam Mazmanian
Washington Technology’s next virtual Power Breakfast digs
into the evolving role of the systems integrator and what that means for future programs.
Online systemsintegrator
6/30Electronic records
This event — the third in FCW’s series on meeting the requirements of M-19-21 —
explores the broader transformation opportunities that come with document digitization.
DOD’s Peter Ranks, DHS’ Beth Cappello, NASA’s Dawayne
Pretlor, the Air Force’s Lauren Knausenberger and GSA’s Eddie Tejeda are among the many speakers at FCW’s virtual Cloud Summit. Online
May/June 2020 FCW.COM 3

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