Page 30 - Campus Technology, June 2017
P. 30

IU undergraduate student Hailey Speciale uses large-screen projection displays and a tracking system to exhibit VR work created with Margaret Dolinsky, associate professor in the School of Art and Design.
We have identified three primary use cases for Reality Labs. First, expanding libraries of commercially developed applications provide new opportunities for non-technical disciplines to use VR to enhance existing curriculum. One example would be the use of a commercial (purchased off the shelf) immersive anatomy simulation to supplement existing anatomy courses. Before the advent of these rich application libraries, an instructor would have to work with local developers for several months to create such a simulation.
The second use case is the integration of student- created media and/or 3D models into existing applications and frameworks. This case is exciting, as it provides an introduction to the development of virtual experiences without requiring a sophisticated technical background. An example is the use of 360-degree spherical images or videos to visualize or recreate geographically remote locations.
The third use case is the creation of unique virtual experiences. This case is a bit more complex and requires some level of programming, but it also allows complete customization and is ideal for computing disciplines.
Faculty Perspectives
In classrooms, multiple students experience the VR at the same time, which creates an environment for shared experiences and consistent peer review. VR allows
mounted VR display. A shared, room-wide VR tracking space facilitates immersion in the virtual simulations. At the same time, a large-format display (such as a projector or tiled video wall) allows non-immersed users to share in the virtual experience and also supports collaborative
critiques and reviews. It is important to note that Reality Labs can still provide complete educational functionality for classes that do not require VR. The VR equipment is essentially an optional peripheral; it can be used when required or simply ignored.
Indiana University

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