Page 11 - COMPASS, Q1 2017
P. 11
canonical first container can be installed by running “docker run -d -p 80:80 vmwarecna/ nginx.” Seconds later you have an nginx container capable of serving Web pages. Easy-peasy, as shown in Figure 2.
And now VMware can be not only what runs your datacenter hypervisor, but the Linux OS you use to run your Linux applications.
cf push cf scale
Cloud Foundry API
Cloud Foundry Cluster
If you want to run Photon OS inside a VM on your existing vSphere infrastructure, and managed by your existing vSphere infrastructure, you’ve gone down the vSphere Integrated Container (VIC) path. VIC provides a standard Docker API and utilizes the Photon OS as the base OS. Currently, it deploys containers one-to-one inside a VM.
You can learn more about VIC, but at the time of this writing, VIC is still very much a work in progress. The container engine hit general avail-
kubectl create kubectl get pods
Kubernetes API
Kubernetes Cluster
Create CF cluster
Create Kubernetes cluster
Photon API
Photon Controller #1
Photon Controller #2
Photon Controller #3
Photon Machine
Photon Controller
Clustered design delivers massive scale and high availability.
Combination of local and/or shared Photon Host data stores.
Figure 1. An overview of the Photon Platform architecture. 9