Page 22 - School Planning & Management, June 2019
P. 22
GOOD DESIGNS don’t just happen, they are based on exhaustive of research and the study of best practices. To help provide this information on what makes a “good” space for learning, SP&M established the Education Design Showcase in 1999 as a vehicle for sharing innovative, yet practical, solutions in planning, design, and construction. The goal is to share ideas that will help us achieve the best possible learning environments for all students at all levels of education.
This year’s entries are good examples of what is being provided for today’s students. Our panel of judges studied the submissions, and after much discussion, chose a Grand Prize winner and two Honorable Mentions to designate the projects that they felt were the most outstanding. The Grand Prize winner is highlighted on page
23, followed by all of the entries, in alphabetical order according to their level—EC-12, Elementary, Middle School, High School.
The judges’ choice for Grand prize is a school that they say, based on the entry information, has a nice variety of space for students to explore career choices while maintaining the stan- dard curriculum. The judges chose two projects as Honorable Mentions. One, because it was built to address the local needs and is a good sustainable project, and another because it is a well-organized school that seems like it would be a good place to work or be a student.
In addition to being published in this issue, all of these projects are also available, with more images and more detailed descrip- tions, on our portal website,
As usuAl, All of the entries we received were of exceptionAl quAlity, mAking the judging process A difficult one. this yeAr’s pAnel of judges is:
is president of Stanton Leggett & Associates. He has been involved with education publica- tions for more than
50 years (he helped start School Management in 1957), and has
been carrying out major statistical studies of education since 1958. He has been designated Planner of the Year by the Northeast region
of CEFPI (now A4LE) and was named National Planner of the Year in 2008.
is an Arizona-based educational facilities consultant with more than 50 years of experience in creating spaces where people
learn. He is a Fellow in A4LE and is currently serving as a member of the Arizona School Facilities Board.
retired from being the executive editor and publisher of School Planning & Management and College Planning & Management magazines.
She has written extensively and presents to numerous groups on the impact of facilities on learning. Always an advocate for quality educa- tional environments, Deb has worked with many groups to further the development of safe and healthy schools and served on numerous task forces and school facilities committees.
A speciAl section of School Planning & ManageMent mAgAzine