Page 32 - School Planning & Management, July/August 2017
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Aurora Public Schools (APS) received the Gold Standard of Excellence recogni- tion for its district-wide holistic approach to healthy indoor environments:
• Piloting full-spectrum lighting using special roof-mounted tubing with light-gathering lenses that direct natural sunlight (minus harmful UV) into the learning spaces.
• Pioneeringergonomicstoolsthatpromoteactivesitting;theconvexandnon-slipbase of “wobbly” stools allows student movement which helps with blood circulation and mental engagement.
• Testing drinking water to avoid lead and other exposures; in one case, exceeding the regulatory requirement. For example, setting the lead standard to not more than
15 parts per billion (ppb) versus 20 ppb. Also, APS provides more than 20 hydration stations with bottle fillers to encourage students to drink water.
• Using deep cleaning, spray-and-vac restroom machines to remove soil and microbes that may cause illness or odor. This has decreased labor hours by 15 percent and chemical use by 10 percent at the introductory sites.
• Using mostly Green Seal Certified Cleaners (80 percent of chemicals used) and an advanced chemical dilution and dispensing system to fill solution receptacles. Precise chemical dilution saves money, enhances performance and safety.
• Providing at least 8 to 12 feet of matting at site entrances.
• MovingIntegratedPestManagement(IPM)in-housebyhiringaformercontractprofes- sional, saving the district money while improving program quality and reducing chemical use. Adopting simple methods such as installing door-bottom sweeps to keep pests out.
• Creating communication loops to help custodial, environmental and maintenance teams, plus teaching and administrative staff, work together, contributing to the success of health-related programs.
• Teaching custodians health and safety in APS’s Custodial 101, Custodial Leadership Academy, Custodial Safety Handbook and Custodial Procedural Handbook. Topics covered include: Safety Data Sheets (SDS), Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), waste handling and disposal, hazardous materials, the chain of infection, right to know, chemical safety and chemical dilution.
• APS’s Environmental Department (ED) works with teachers to promote safe practices and maintain a database for chemical inventory. The ED conducts annual site inspec- tions with science and art teachers to prevent chemical exposures and promote proper handling, storage and disposal of chemicals.
• The APS Natural & Renewable Resources Department supports “green teams” consisting of schools and student groups focused on making schools and communi- ties more environmentally aware. One goal is to empower K-12 students to become change-agents. Students use school buildings to research solutions, conduct analy- ses, document experiments and forge partnerships with industry.
• APS Programs have been recognized by the EPA (Region 8) and the USDA. Awards include:
- Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education Innovation Award for 2017
- City of Aurora’s Sustainable Business Award for 2016
- Bronze Achievement by the Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment’s
Environmental Leadership Program for 2016
- USGBC Colorado Chapter’s 2015 Commercial Real Estate Award for Most Successful
Community Engagement Award
• Usingvideomonitoringatentrancesforsecurity,plusongoingtrainingandpractice- scenario drills, and a security infrastructure covering 66 sites and 1,550 security cameras monitored 24/7. APS uses proximity cards for controlled access, transportation GPS technology and RFID passes for tracking and monitoring elementary school bus riders.
Location: Aurora, CO Number of Students: 42,111 Number of Sites: 63 Founded: 1962
Aurora Public Schools staff and students utilize standing work stations, student desk peddlers and wobbly stools to keep stu- dents engaged and active. Wobbly stools help students focus better while doing their school work.
Aurora Public Schools has more than 20 hydration stations
at various sites that provide cleaner water while saving the landfill.
In-house IPM workers replace door sweeps to tighten up the buildings and keep pests out while reducing the use of pesticides.