Page 19 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 19
I ndoor or O utdoor
E lectrical E nclosures
Your One-Stop-Source for any Electrical Enclosure
O V E R 5 0 0 MO D E L S
I ndoor or O utdoor
S teel, Polycarbonate or S tainless S teel
S tandard, S p ecialty and C ustom E nclosures
W all- Mount, R ack - Mount, F lush- Mount, or Pedestal
Contact us for help finding the
perfect enclosure for your installation.
O p tions include f ans, heaters, air- conditioners, thermostats, rack rails, w indow s and more
C ustom colors, g rap hic screening , log os, siz es and f eatures available
No Minimum Order On Standard Products
Proudly Made I n T he U S A !
Since 1987
You name the box, can, cabinet or enclosure: Mier Products has you covered!