Page 14 - Security Today, March/April 2025
P. 14

above can, and should be experienced not only at the construction
site, but also inside a facility during normal operations as well.
The central asset for access control remains the key and, like per-
sonnel on construction sites, many companies are not aware of mod-
ern technologies that can help streamline their system-wide usage.
Intelligent key cabinets are a foundational element of access
control management for a variety of industries, and they represent
a transition from traditional storage solutions like a pegboard.
Like in staff management, keys can be assigned different access lev-
els and if an employee does not return one by a certain time, which
can alert a manager, which speeds up tracking down that key.
If an employee is terminated, and their general access creden-
tials are connected to the key cabinet, an administrator can deac-
tivate access to both instantaneously. It is a streamlined approach
that helps ensure effi ciency and redundance, which are hallmarks
of a sound security ecosystem.
In addition to improved workfl ow and strengthened access
control, both personnel and key management measures represent
a clear fi nancial return on investment (ROI.) When you factor in
downtime spent tracking down lost assets and tardy personnel,
plus costs associated with having to re-hire new workers or re-key a
facility, as well as any fi nancial obligations related to legal actions
stemming from an incident, the end monetary cost could be as-
tronomical and negatively impact timelines and productivity goals.
There are a wide variety of solutions that claim to improve ef-
fi ciency and security, but companies need to prioritize those that
produce a clear short and long-term ROI.
Still, there are those who are hesitant to integrate such solu-
tions, especially if they feel that legacy tactics and workfl ows are
“how they’ve always done it.” To those that are willing to at least
consider advanced technology, trying it out on a smaller scale is
a prudent fi rst step.
See how that technology impacts operations in a small sample
size and then evaluate how that could improve effi ciency on a
larger scale. Managers need to have the full knowledge of how
a solution will serve the workforce and, more importantly, be an
advocate for its implementation.
If that directive comes from the top-down
and incorporated at the start of any project or
onboarding process, its adoption is more wide-
ly accepted. Two compelling examples of that
can be seen in construction site and internal
key management, which, in the most success-
ful cases, are guided by comprehensive data
management produced from strategic physical
Andy Rudisill is the product manager at
CrewSight (Biosite Americas). Brian Davidson is
a regional sales manager at Traka Americas.
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