Page 34 - Security Today, November/December 2024
P. 34
Compiled by Ralph C. Jensen, Editor-in-Chief
Command Centre v9.20
Unlocks New Data Insights
Gallagher Security has announced the release of
their award-winning security site management
software, Command Centre v9.20, the latest evo-
lution of the security platform trusted to protect
some of the world’s most critical situations. Mark
Junge, CEO at Gallagher Security said, “Command
Centre v9.20 further empowers businesses with
greater control, improved effi ciency, and robust
cyber protection – all in one powerful platform
designed to streamline operations and unlock
customer value.” This release enables integration
with Microsoft Entra ID – a cloud-based identity
and access management system that provides
seamless synchronization of cardholders across
systems, centralized cardholder and access
management, and improved data integrity.
IQ Lens System Wins Top Honors
Theia Technologies’ IQ Lens™ System was hon-
ored with Security Today’s New Product of the
Year award. The intelligent system brings to-
gether a motorized lens, motor control board,
calibration data, software SDK and GUI to form
a modular, highly confi gurable system. Theia’s
family of ultra-wide angle, no distortion lenses
use patents Linear Option Technology to correct
barrel distortion optically, without de-warping
software and its inherent latency. This distortion
correction increases the image resolution at the
image edges, improving the probability of detec-
tion and identifi cation of objects and Individuals.
ZBeta Deliver Consulting Services
ZBeta, a pioneer in delivering comprehensive
physical security consulting services, today an-
nounces the launch of LabZ, an innovative pro-
gram dedicated to driving the future of security
technology through rigorous testing, independent
evaluation, and continuous improvement. De-
signed to be a center of collaboration for the se-
curity industry, LabZ is an unparalleled resource
for the testing of emerging innovations, complex
integrations, and system and device conver-
gence. In the modern landscape, businesses are
confronted with growing complexities, shifting
risks, and swift changes, all of which demand
strategic and security programs. The need for
comprehensive evaluation and understanding
of the diverse robust solutions that serve as the
basis for enterprise security programs is critical.
Launching the New FARGO
HDP5000e Printer
FARGO and HID are announcing the launch of the
next-generation FARGO® HDP5000e designed
to deliver vibrant, high-defi nition cards and IDs.
Built on the rock-solid foundation of the re-
nowned HDP5000 printer series and proven re-
transfer technology over the last 25 years, the
HID FARGO HDP5000e ID card printer emerges
as the next iteration of this market-leading solu-
tion, poised to redefi ne the standards of reliabil-
ity, usability and printing excellence. Engineered
for universities, medium-to-large businesses,
healthcare facilities and government agencies
who need retransfer printing technology to effec-
tively personalize contactless cards and for any
organization looking to switch from a higher-end,
direct-to-card printer to a retransfer printing so-
lution for improved image quality — the feature-
rich FARGO HDP5000e is ideal.
3 4 Genetec Announces Powerful New
Law Enforcement Tools
Genetec Inc. has announced a new feature that
enables law enforcement professionals to eas-
ily collect, manage and share vehicle-based
evidence captured by AutoVu Cloudrunner™
through the Genetec Clearance™ digital evi-
dence management system. Investigators typi-
cally rely on various types of data when building
a case, such as license plate reads, video footage,
and other forensic evidence. Sharing this digital
evidence with detectives and other stakeholders
often meant physically transferring it via USB
drives or sending it through email attachments.
This process not only consumed valuable time
but posed a risk to the integrity of the chain of
custody and the assurance of data privacy.
B-150 Intelligent Step-down Converter
Mercury’s B150 step-down converter economi-
cally provides another user-selectable voltage, in
addition to the one from the power supply. When
combined with a NetLink module, this managed
board expands the ability to monitor, control and
manage pieces of the power system. Tired of in-
stalling and maintaining power systems in dark
closets? Let us brighten up your day with the new
LED light kit that is now included in every Life-
Safety Power ProWire® E6, E8, and E12 system.
At LifeSafety Power, we are always designing and
innovating power products with you in mind.
N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 4 | S E C U R I T Y T O D A Y