Page 12 - Security Today, September/October 2024
P. 12

                 Beyond Analytics By Alejandro Ramirez de Arellano
As AI continues to make waves across various in- dustries, its potential in security has generated significant buzz. However, the excitement around AI analytics often leads to a narrow focus on its capabilities rather than a holistic view of how it fits into broader security solutions.
To truly harness the power of AI, it’s crucial to recognize that analytics alone are not the goal but rather part of a fully integrat- ed, AI-based solution. This approach requires continuous im- provement and vendor collaboration to ensure the system meets evolving organizational needs and remains effective over time.
AI analytics can transform security operations by processing vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds, identifying patterns, and detecting anomalies that might indicate potential threats. The benefits include:
Proactive threat detection. AI’s ability to identify potential threats in real-time provides a proactive security approach, en- abling quicker responses and instilling a sense of reassurance.
Reduced human error. Unlike human operators, AI can ana- lyze data without fatigue, maintaining consistent accuracy.
Scalability. AI systems can manage increasing volumes of data, ensuring consistent performance as organizational needs grow.
Despite these advantages, AI analytics alone are not sufficient. The actual value of AI in security lies in its integration into a broader, continuously evolving solution.
Starting with AI analytics as a standalone solution is a common mistake. Effective security requires a layered approach where AI is one component. Here’s why integrating AI into a comprehen- sive solution is essential.
Continuous improvement and updates. AI systems need regular updates to stay effective. Threat landscapes evolve, and so must the algorithms and data sets used by AI. Working with a vendor that offers continuous improvements ensures the system remains relevant and adequate.
Proper machine learning foundation. The effectiveness of AI analytics relies on the quality of the machine learning models and the data on which they are built. The vendor should train its mod- els on diverse and extensive data sets to accurately identify threats and minimize false positives.
Human verification. AI can process data and flag potential threats, but human verification is crucial for contextual under- standing. Security professionals can interpret AI findings and make informed decisions, providing a layer of judgment that AI currently lacks.
Implementing AI analytics is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. This process includes:
“Choosing the right vendor is critical for the success of AI analytics in security.”
Assessment. Start by identifying your specific security needs and challenges. This will help you select the right AI tools that align with your organizational goals.
Integration. AI analytics should be seamlessly integrated into your existing security systems to ensure compatibility and en- hance overall efficiency. If your organization uses multiple hard- ware or software solutions, ensure the AI solution is agnostic and works across all devices and locations. This will not only make it work now but also ensure you are ready for future changes.
Evaluation. Regularly assess the performance of AI analyt- ics, including monitoring the system’s effectiveness in detecting threats and minimizing false positives. It is crucial to review re- ports on relevant threats and how to reduce them in the future.
Vendor collaboration. Choose a vendor that provides robust customer support and collaboration, including regular updates, feedback loops, and customization to meet your specific needs.
Choosing the right vendor is critical for the success of AI analyt- ics in security. Key factors to consider include:
Support and collaboration. A good vendor provides continu- ous support, including system updates and performance evalua- tions. They should work closely with the organization to ensure the AI system evolves with changing security needs.
Transparency. The vendor should be transparent about their AI models, data sources, and security protocols to establish trust and ensure the system’s reliability.
Customization. The vendor should offer solutions tailored to specific organizational requirements rather than one-size-fits-all products.
AI analytics holds tremendous promise for enhancing secu- rity operations. However, to realize its full potential, it must be viewed as part of a comprehensive solution rather than a stand- alone plug-in.
Continuous improvement, proper machine learning founda- tions and human verification are essential for an effective AI-driv- en security system. By collaborating with a vendor that offers ro- bust support and collaboration, organizations can ensure their AI analytics remain effective and aligned with their evolving security needs.
Embracing this integrated approach will lead to more resilient and adaptive security frameworks that can address the dynamic threat landscape.
Alejandro Ramirez de Arellano is the chief product officer at Cobalt AI.

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