Page 26 - Security Today, May/June 2024
P. 26

                 Unlocking Peace of Mind The Power of a Layered Approach to Safety
By Ken Cook
 In a perfect world, every school would have an unlimited bud- get to help secure their schools. In reality, schools must pri- oritize what budget they have while navigating the complexi- ties surrounding school security and lockdown.
As technology and safety practices become more inter- twined, it is important to seek a balance between security and ac- cessibility. Layered security has been identified as a recommended practice for securing schools. This approach provides multiple security controls from the outside property line to the building perimeter to the classroom, all to help protect students and staff.
It also provides a step-by-step process for schools who are not sure just where to start or what to prioritize.
Few schools can implement electronic access control (EAC) throughout the entire property at one time. For most — if not all, it is constrained by budget, time or other available resources.
By using a layered security approach to secure the building from the outside-in, you can gradually add access control to improve safety and security throughout the school while first prioritizing and protecting vulnerable access points.
Among other reputable organizations, the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS) has outlined best practices and guide- lines to help effectively secure a school. Perimeter Openings The perimeter is the first place PASS recommends schools start with when upgrading security. An effective perimeter layer should be accessible yet secure.
EAC can play a significant role in achieving this seemingly conflicting goal. A single-entry point should be clearly marked and lead to a secured vestibule with forced entry resistant doors and glazing. Electronic surveillance and remote locks secured from a central location, like the administrative office, can help control visitor access and deter intruders.
After securing the perimeter main entrance, focus efforts to im-

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