Page 20 - Security Today, May/June 2024
P. 20

                 Creating this future-safe foundation starts with a flexible and non-proprietary open-architecture framework that includes mod- ern security protocols and open Application Programming Inter- faces (APIs). This future-safe foundation can be achieved with open-architecture, IP-enabled platforms that use controllers such as the HID Mercury or HID Aero product lines to communicate with readers such as HID Signo and others using the Open Su- pervised Device Protocol (OSDP) interoperability standard.
This provides the flexibility and technology interoperability necessary for hardware to be integrated into any access control system software or security application. This type of infrastruc- ture also unifies PACS and security management while creating a more streamlined operations workflow that eliminates the need to monitor disparate access control, video surveillance, intrusion alarm and other programs.
Alternatively, a cloud platform like HID Origo can be used with its combination of APIs, SDKs and smart-card-based and mobile access credentials. This open-platform approach makes it possible to build integrated access control solutions through the cloud. APIs connect provisioning and management of digital cre- dentials with, for instance, security or building management sys- tems, while SDKs are used, for example, to integrate HID Mobile Access into a building’s smart device apps.
With either the IP-enabled or cloud-based approach, the flex- ibility of multi-faceted architectures and platforms gives organi- zations the most options possible when designing and deploying their infrastructure. This is increasingly important as the days of “keeping the bad people out” are giving way to “letting the right people in and allowing them to move freely.”
There are several prerequisites for deploying this type of infra- structure. First, organizations must be able to preempt threats on an ongoing basis, through upgrades that can be implemented when budget permits, without the need to “rip and replace” their hardware.
The next prerequisite is ensuring that mobile IDs are encrypted with at least AES-128, developed by the National Institute of Stan- dards and Technology (NIST). For additional security, the system should store mobile ID keys on the access control reader’s Secure Element (SE) to prevent mobile ID extraction. The privacy and se- curity of sensitive data should also be protected through compliance with international standards like ISO 27001, SOC2 and GDPR.
Organizations also must ensure that mobile IDs can be used with both IOS and Android devices. All mobile-access credentials should be integrated with existing corporate apps and/or mobile wallets, and the readers used to open doors should similarly integrate with the systems that enable users to unlock their desktops, printers, cloud applications and various other non-PACS entitlement systems.
Another prerequisite is reader support for Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE), Near Field Communication (NFC), and physical smart cards, depending on the preferred modality of reader-de- vice communication. For optimal connectivity and to streamline future upgrades, the readers should support the secure OSDP standard to offer an easy transition from legacy protocols while providing valuable new capabilities. All credential data should be encoded in a format that is easy to integrate with different
vendors’ devices and systems to ensure that there is a seamless integration with current access control technologies and policies.
The property management industry was an early and active adopter of employee badges in mobile wallets, especially to sup- port flexible and hybrid workplaces. An attractive emerging ap- plication adds “proof of presence,” using mobile location infor- mation to ensure, for instance, that no one can access property after-hours or when otherwise not permitted.
Use cases are also expected to evolve as access control contin- ues to move beyond phones and tablets to support wristbands, watches and other wearables. With mobile access being such a versatile solution, use cases grow exponentially thus giving rise to the term “Use Case Explosion.”
Sustainability initiatives are yet another growing use case for mobile access, which reduces or even eliminates plastic card us- age. To further improve sustainability, organizations can move access-control processes to the cloud and leverage the Internet of Things to combine connected architectures, multi-applications and mobile devices. Mobile location services can be leveraged in these use cases, as well, to provide the real-time, actionable occu- pancy data that is needed for process optimization.
When access control systems are integrated with HVAC, light- ing and other building automation systems, there are even more resource-saving opportunities. With codes and laws on the verge of being passed on reduced carbon emissions and green initiatives, or- ganizations are facing towards adopting more sustainable solutions. This is also leading to changes in the way buildings, properties and assets are designed by consultants and the A&E community.
Mobile wallet providers are adding momentum to what already was rapid adoption of mobile access in the workplace. Bringing employ- ee ID and student ID badges to mobile wallets has created dozens of moments when a smartphone or other mobile device can be used each day, from locking and unlocking home, office and dormitory doors, to using elevators, turnstiles and parking structures, to com- pleting airport security and boarding processes, to entering a hotel room without checking in at the front desk, to paying for your meals at your alma mater’s cafeteria – all using your phone’s access badge.
The more access interactions the better. This is true for us- ers as well as digital wallet providers who want to build a strong brand connection with their consumers, and for organizations seeking to jump-start their digital transformation journey with a mobile-ready, future-safe access control infrastructure that im- proves security and sustainability, makes build-
ings smarter and more efficient, and delivers
better user experiences.
Sanjit Bardhan is the Head of the Global Mobile business for the PACS - Physical Access Control Solutions Business for HID.

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