Page 73 - Security Today, March/April 2024
P. 73

                                  shootings and approximately 357,000 students have experienced gun violence.
These are alarming statistics students are facing on school campuses across the country. Gun violence now surpasses car crashes as the primary cause of death for U.S. children and teen- agers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wonder database.
Schools and universities face the overwhelming responsibility of protecting students, faculty, staff and visitors from gun violence on campus. Administrators are tasked with seeking solutions to combat this threat, while simultaneously maintaining quality of life and campus engagement. They also must address the many challenges of this unique landscape.
• Campus size and sprawl make it impossible to restrict in- dividuals from walking on campus at any time of day or night.
• Most individuals can easily gain access to campus communal areas, including libraries, student unions, study halls and classrooms. • Active shooters are often current or former students or em- ployees who easily blend into existing school groups and carry ac-
cess cards/credentials to areas prohibited to the public.
• Fundamental to every school culture is a desire for strong community engagement rooted in student independence, involve-
ment, and physical and psychological comfort.
Traditional security methods including armed guards, access control and screening technology are meaningful elements to any multi- faceted security plan aimed at detecting and deterring firearms. However, gun sniffing canines are proving to be a highly-effective mitigation tool to active shooter incidents within a variety of envi- ronments – from entertainment venues to retail stores, to medical centers and schools.
Key benefits include:
• Accurate, clear and immediate detection capability, with higher than a 90% success rate.
• Speed and stamina to cover large areas.
• Capability to unobtrusively move through crowds and around obstacles.
• Versatility to deploy to various locations within the same day and redirect as needed.
• Ability to create a welcoming environment without an in- timidating appearance.
In the early 2000s, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) spent $19 billion attempting to build de- tection technology to replicate canine effectiveness. The canine prevailed every time.
A canine’s sense of smell is estimated to be up to 10,000 times more sensitive than that of a human. Compared to the six million olfactory receptors in our noses, dogs have an amazing three hun- dred million. A much larger portion of their brains are dedicated to analyzing scents, so they uniquely pick up odors at the molecular level. It is the difference between smelling spaghetti sauce cook- ing on the stove and separately identifying the individual odors of tomato, onion, garlic and each herb that makes up the sauce.
Firearms detection canines first learn to detect all commercial and military grade explosives, as well as homemade explosives. Then, they complete additional training specific to odors associ- ated with firearms, imprinting on low-explosive powders, as well as gun cleaning solvents and other related odors. This enables dogs to indicate the presence of a firearm, whether it has been previously fired or not.
Not every dog is a firearms detection dog and not every firearms detection dog is right for a school campus environment. This is a unique landscape and culture that requires the right fit. Schools must maintain student quality of life and strengthen retention through greater peace of mind. At the same time, accurate and discreet firearm detection capability is paramount. There are sev- eral areas school security staff should consider when evaluating a firearms detection canine.
Breed, socialization and health. For campus deployments, there are a variety of breeds that can be a good fit, such as German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers. The deciding factor should be based on an organization’s preference and desired level of deter- rence. For example, Labradors are an excellent choice for fostering a comfortable environment for students because of their softer appearance. Regardless of breed, the dog must be well socialized and carefully vetted to meet rigorous health, temperament and obedience standards. It is essential that the dog indicates the pres- ence of odors associated with firearms using a calm and passive “sit” response – never through a bite or bark response.
Comprehensive training. It is critical that any dog working on campus complete a comprehensive training program and contin- ued sustainment training tailored to the specific operational en- vironment. As noted, imprinting on low-explosive powders allows dogs the ability to detect a loaded or recently discharged weapon. To detect concealed and unfired firearms, which is an extremely important nuance, dogs must also be imprinted on gun compo- nents like metals, oils and cleaning solvents.
Independent testing and certification. The North American Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA) sets industry recognized evaluation criteria and serves as a meaningful metric. Similar inde- pendent evaluation standards include the International Police Work

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