Page 22 - Security Today, March/April 2024
P. 22

                                  fast, reliable solutions when problems arise.
Manufacturers push out regular updates, patches and vulnera-
bility fixes to keep their devices running safely and smoothly. When the manufacturer also manages the platform, those updates can be installed with little to no disruption or labor. While it is possible to install those same patches and updates manually, it can take a sig- nificant amount of time—especially if the organization is working with devices not originally designed for the platform.
Every minute a vulnerability remains unpatched is a minute attackers can take advantage. This creates unnecessary security and regulatory risks that could be easily mitigated by working directly with device manufacturers.
The choice between convenience and flexibility is no longer binary. Some device manufacturers move away from proprietary systems and toward open-platform solutions, meaning customers can achieve an unprecedented degree of security while maintaining a prominent level of flexibility and agility. And, as edge devices become more powerful, driving a greater volume of data to the cloud, the ability to seamlessly integrate edge devices with the cloud platforms that manage them will become increasingly critical. That makes it important for customers to prioritize devices from manufacturers that offer a device management platform that can either provide an open cloud solution or a single-vendor cloud solution, depending on what works best for them.
Balancing Openness and Convenience by Choosing the Right Platform
Choosing an open-platform cloud solution is always a good idea, as it provides organizations with flexibility needed to pursue the solu- tions that align with their specific needs. Organizations should also seek to align their cloud platform with the devices they use. This not only helps keep those devices functioning smoothly by ensuring the devices and platform are designed for one another but improves cy- bersecurity posture as well. Cybercriminals regularly target cloud devices, and as cloud migration persists that trend will only continue.
By prioritizing a platform-based approach and working with manufacturers, organizations can ensure that their devices will be as protected as possible against today’s advanced threats. By choosing a platform that is open, rather than proprietary, orga- nizations can enjoy a combination of end-to-end capabilities and open-platform agility that ensures access to secure and convenient security solutions without sacrificing the ability to pursue addi- tional solutions—even if they are not offered by the manufacturer. As today’s businesses plan for the future of the
cloud, that balancing act between convenience
and flexibility will be increasingly critical to
Fredrik Nilsson is the vice president, Americas, at Axis Communications.

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