Page 14 - Security Today, March/April 2024
P. 14

                                                                 confidential information, such as healthcare or finance, as it re- duces the risk of data breaches and ensures compliance with data privacy regulations like GDPR or HIPAA.
It is no secret that AI helps security operators effectively monitor hundreds if not thousands of cameras for events of interest. This is so valuable, that it is easy to imagine a not-too-distant future where every camera includes AI capabilities. Today, there are millions of network cameras installed, and most do not have any AI features. While it is possible to send all those streams to servers for external AI processing, it can be much cheaper, faster and more secure to process some of those non-AI streams using existing AI cameras on the edge.
The most recent AI cameras are powerful enough that they can not only analyze their own video streams but can also analyze and extract valuable AI attributes from traditional cameras that lack AI capabilities. This innovative capability allows customers to add AI features to their existing, non-AI, surveillance cameras, including cameras from different manufacturers, making them smarter, more efficient, and able to trigger real-time alerts.
This cost-effective solution improves existing surveillance sys- tems and further reduces false alarms in a phased approach with- out requiring forklift upgrades. Network cameras which previ- ously had limited AI integration to popular VMSs like Milestone, Genetec and Video Insight can now pass AI metadata exactly as if they were the latest AI model. This is exceptionally powerful
for cameras that may be installed in difficult places to retrofit. The most powerful AI cameras can currently process up to three additional video streams from non-AI cameras. Doing the math, that is one new AI camera turning three traditional net-
work cameras into AI cameras as well.
In the same way our smartphones run a unique and curated collec- tion of apps, modern AI cameras can be considered as platforms that host custom AI applications for the unique tasks required for any organization. Customizable AI on-site learning enables inte- grators and end-users to train a camera’s AI analytics on-site to recognize unique objects that are important for a business to track or count such as forklifts, shopping carts, or even airplanes.
The most recent AI cameras are so powerful, that they not only analyze and extract AI metadata from their own video streams but can also analyze and enhance traditional cameras with the same AI capabilities. With the rapid pace of AI evolution, make sure that any future investments in physical security are not ob- solete mere days after they are installed. Look
for open platforms that promote flexibility and customization — a solution that plays wel with others.
Adam Lowenstein is the product director, Americas, at i-PRO.
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MARCH/APRIL 2024 | SECURITY TODAY 10/9/23 11:51 AM

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