Page 9 - Campus Security Today, September/October 2023
P. 9

                                                   SECURITY: A COLLABORATIVE EFFORT While a unified, map-based platform makes it easier to surface the most important data and insights, you can strengthen your overall security posture by integrating law enforcement systems. To facilitate partnerships with law enforcement, consider fed- eration opportunities. In the context of an RTCC, federation can be achieved with technology that allows agencies to consolidate live monitoring, video searches, alarm management, and health reporting from multiple agencies and sites. Publicly and privately-owned and operated organizations can share vital information through federation. They can still maintain strict rights and privileges to remain in compli- ance with the connected systems and personal privacy regulations. You can also consider a digital evidence management system (DEMS). A DEMS allows campus security and law enforcement to securely share digital files to aid investigations. With a click on a link, your team can securely share video evidence with approved recipients and track who has viewed the file. You no longer need to store the file on a thumb drive or CD and then drive it to the stakeholder. Instead, officers and detectives can log into the DEMS and send or receive evidence files without ever leaving their desks. Including all stakeholders and partners as collaborators when implementing security measures improves the quality of intelli- gence. Being able to easily partner and share information plays a critical role in rapidly identifying and mitigating potential threats to campus safety and security. IMPLEMENTING NEW CAMPUS SECURITY SOLUTIONS As campus safety needs continue to evolve, an RTCC solution may be a consideration for your team. It allows your team to be more proactive and efficient by unifying data, surveillance, and intelli- gence in a map-based interface. Automating and centralizing your data saves valuable time for your police departments, enabling you to do more with fewer officers. The scalability and modularity of the unified platforms pow- ering RTCCs allow your team to start with only the most essential components. Work with your systems integrator to consider which features and components to implement initially. Additional func- tionality, advanced features, or new devices can be added over time to meet evolving needs. This approach maximizes flexibility and allows you to customize your approach as you enhance your overall campus safety and security. INTELLIGENT CAMPUS    Overly: The First Name—and Last Word—in Specialty Doors.     Acoustic • Metal Swinging Doors • Wood Swinging Doors • Oversized Doors • Fixed Window Systems Blast • VLRB, LRB, and MRB Series • High-Range Doors & Windows • UFC Blast Mitigation Doors • Pressure Resistant & Watertight Doors • Radiation Shielding Doors Vault Bullet • GSA Certified • DOS Certified • Attack-Resistant • Day Doors • Day Gates • Metal Swinging Doors • Wood Swinging Doors • Fixed Window Systems • Pass-Throughs • Gun Ports • Voice Ports • Untitled-6 1 8/1/23 5:10 PM 9  

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