Page 11 - Campus Security & Life Safety, May/June 2023
P. 11

                                                 CEIA USA • WEAPONS DETECTION THROUGH ELECTROMAGNETICS GAME DAY AT
OPENGATETM (NEW) Groundbreaking
Weapons Detection System
∫ Quickly and automatically screen students with their backpacks and bags in transit
∫ Extremely high throughput with near zero nuisance alarms
∫ Detects handguns and mass casualty threats, such as high caliber assault weapons and IEDs
∫ Easy to relocate at 25 pounds and installs in less than 1 minute
∫ Indoor and Outdoor operations
Our Weapons Detection and screening systems take the guesswork out of security screening. Incorporating the latest in threat detection technology, CEIA (CHAY-ah) sets the standard
for safety, convenience and accuracy.
For more information, contact your CEIA USA representative at or call us today at 833-224-2342.
CEIA USA, Ltd. All rights reserved. CEIA USA reserves the right to make changes, at any moment and without notice,
to the models (including programming), their accessories and options, to the prices and conditions of sale. WWW.CEIA-USA.COM

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