Page 68 - Security Today, January/February 2022
P. 68

Digital Visitor Management Systems Keep Schools Safe
By David Rogers
Visitor Management
Antiquated methods for tracking visitors on a school campus can create added risk for staff and students. With one million registered sex offenders in the United States, schools that rely on handwritten visitor logs are putting their students and staff at risk. Unscreened individuals who may not meet district policies for entrance can slip through the cracks created by outdated methods. Additionally, the tricky situation of custody issues presents schools with the scary prospect of releasing a student to a non-custodi- al parent or guardian. Emergencies produce an added risk for visitors since it can be challenging for officials and first responders to deter- mine who and where visitors are on the campus.
Most districts have policies and procedures in place to address cam- pus visitation. But is it enough for parents and students? The recent 2021 State of School Safety Report, developed by Safe and Sound
Schools and Raptor Technologies, revealed that nearly 20% of students think their school is not prepared to handle an unauthorized visitor. Even more guardians—about 25%—lack confidence in their school's ability to keep unwanted entrants out. Having an effective and visible digital visitor management system is the best way to heed risk and show parents and students that schools are actively managing school safety.
Digital visitor management systems help schools prevent dangerous mistakes by screening each visitor's personal information against sex offender registries in all U.S. states and territories. The most powerful systems also filter each person against customized databases, like those containing custodial restrictions, banned or restricted access, and expelled students. And now, with the invisible threat of COVID-19, schools need an efficient way to thoroughly screen visitors for exposure and gather the detailed data necessary for contact-tracing efforts.

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