Page 116 - Security Today, July/August 2021
P. 116

"A clear voice and sound clarify the intent behind the images that are captured on a camera and increases situational awareness."
By Dan Rothrock
Extending the Perimeter
How audio solutions can protect your campus
Campus Audio
Drazen Zigic/
When the National Center for Education Statistics surveyed schools about security in 2018, it found that most public schools in the United States – 95 percent – reported that they controlled access to buildings during school hours. That number compares to 75 percent back in 1999.
What can be attributed to the increase? Some might point to the unfortunate and increasing number and effects from security and safety incidents within the past decade that have not only upped the ante on school security, but have also forced security teams to con- sider newer, better and faster security solutions to mitigate risks and to protect lives and property.
In some parts of the United States, school security measures are required. For example, an examination of school safety and security data after the February 2018 high school shooting in Parkland, FL,
reveals that 15 states have mandated requirements for school safety. The data from the Police Foundation found that security require- ments included:
• Intercom solutions
• Restricted visitor access and access controls
• Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) • Emergency and mass notification systems
• Bullet resistant solutions
Another report, by the Education Commission of the States (ECS) that was released in February 2019, also summarizes statutes and regulations on K-12 school safety for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The report, 50 State Comparison: K-12 School Safety, pro- vides a synopsis of school safety regulations in each state.
The report provides data for five areas: school safety plans, school
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