Page 15 - Security Today, April 2021
P. 15

“... cloud platforms don’t require a full, upfront commitment, so companies can choose specific subsets of their services to spin up to the cloud and then expand over time.”
flexibility of the cloud has enabled compa- nies to quickly pivot from on-site human guards to remotely-monitored cameras. Even in non-pandemic times, enterprises benefit from flexible solutions. For ex- ample, across nearly 600 locations, The Kroger Company uses cloud-based video surveillance units in their parking lots as a physical deterrent to reduce criminal activity. Kevin Larson, senior manager of Corporate Asset Protection, The Kroger Company, said the flexibility of the system is a huge advantage over traditional secu- rity technology. The ability to move the units to different parts of the lots means they can cover the full landscape no matter what obstructions or changes may emerge.
The flexibility of the cloud offers other positive implications as well. In the after- math of an incident, Larson said sharing recorded video with law enforcement or other Kroger teams and locations is fric- tionless with the cloud. As video storage re- quirements change, the cloud offers a seam- less answer. While non-cloud based systems may only save the footage for 30 to 40 days, the cloud is set up to archive data for the long term. Additionally, the flexible func- tionality of cloud-based solutions brings a broader set of team members to the table.
“The value of it is that you don’t need to be an IT guy to use it,” Larson said. “It can be for anyone.”
Built for Security Threats Today and Tomorrow
Another critical transformation en- abled by cloud technology is enhanced security. Guarding against cyber threats is always a high-priority concern, but a re- cent rise in COVID-related malware and phishing incidents has heightened atten- tion and raised the bar. As more people work from home and companies shift to virtual private networks (VPN), criminals are finding new ways to take advantage of human error. Especially in this unprec- edented situation, it has become clear that remote on-premises solutions are simply not secure or robust enough to withstand the relentless waves of digital threats.
Cloud solutions, however, are built to handle attacks at this level. Moreover, they
By Steve Lindsey
provide ongoing maintenance and backup services that further reinforce security. The costofkeepingtechnologyupandrunning is significant; not only do you need to hire expensive technicians, but you also need to pay them to travel to different locations. But in a properly architected cloud program, ongoing maintenance, problem detection and self-healing are built into the system. In a worst-case scenario, disaster recovery is less expensive and less time-consuming than with an on-premises solution.
As 5G connectivity and solar power tech- nology advance, it’s only natural that security cameras and sensors will continue to expand past the walls of traditional building infra- structures, making security challenges even more complex. The cloud can help with this complexity and provide peace of mind even in the most densely networked environments.
One-stop Shopping for Analytics
When we talk to customers and col- leagues about cloud-based video surveil- lance solutions, flexibility and mobility are often cited as advantages that matter most now. Increasingly, they’re telling us that the analytics and intelligence made pos- sible by the cloud are where they expect to find the greatest value.
One customer, for example, points to flexibility and mobility as key reasons why his team turns to cloud video solutions. They frequently organize big outdoor events in areas with little built-in infrastruc- tureandhigh-valuegoods,andcloudvideo technology enables them to be nimble and secure. But they also use cloud-based secu- rity towers at their retail locations. The ana- lytics they can run on top of the video data offers a crucial layer of security.
Cloud technology offers a one-stop shop for leveraging video analytics. Through a single platform, retailers can monitor hotspot locations, receive alerts if someone trespasses, speak directly to potential of- fenders and activate local law enforcement. As retailers expand their security platforms, back-end cloud platforms that can pull to- gether different services and enable analyt- ics will increasingly become even more valu- able than the hardware out in the field.
Photo © LVT

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