Page 26 - Campus Security & Life Safety, September/October 2021
P. 26

"To achieve this vision, campus communities must depend now on the social and political actions by university students, staff and faculty, administrators, and police leaders."
By Lt. Anthony Frisbee
A Contentious Debate Rages
Defunding police is not a new viewpoint of conversation
Campus Safety
Simone Hogan/
Safety for some is not “inclusive safety” for all. A con- tentious debate rages on college campuses today to defund and abolish campus police. Yet college cam- puses across the nation are increasingly complex small cities, with rising student enrollment, more on- campus housing, an increasing number of high-profile controversial events, and yes, even crime (Wilson, 2015).
Theoretical lines of debate have been drawn in the sand with virtu- ous slogans and partial truths hurled as facts at their opponents. All this done to bring you to “their” side and earn your support. Neither of those for or against abolishing the police yet provide a public safe-
ty solution that balances safety obligations with community concerns and priorities.
Inclusive safety is a vision in which all members of the campus community should feel valued, welcomed and free from harm (UC, 2021). To achieve this vision, campus communities must depend now on the social and political actions by university students, staff, and faculty, administrators and police leaders.
Reimagining Campus Policing
This is not the first time campus communities faced paradigm-chang- ing sociopolitical decisions affecting their safety. College police

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