Page 31 - Campus Security & Life Safety, March/April 2021
P. 31

this helpful to keep track of how often and for how long a student is leaving their classes, but if an emergency situation were to arise, the whereabouts of that student would be known. For instance, if the school were to go into lockdown, the student could enter the nearest classroom and that teacher could mark them as accounted for, letting the school and first responders know their status.
In-room Communications
Having safeguards in place for emergencies is undoubtedly important, but an in-room communication portal is also perfect for the more everyday situations. One of the most important and difficult things for teachers is keeping their students’ attention. Constant disruptions can make this difficult and can be a huge disservice to students’ learning.
However, with an in-room communica- tion portal, many daily interruptions can be avoided. Instead of a teacher receiving a call
to their room’s desk phone or a person com- ing to their classroom, non-emergency alerts can be sent directly to their in-room portal.
For example, if a student’s lunch has been dropped off at the main office, rather than someone being sent to the room, an alert can be sent so the teacher can address the situa- tion at the appropriate time so as to not interrupt their lesson. Not only is this more efficient than having hallway runners or peo- ple making calls to classrooms, but it helps create a better learning environment.
An in-room portal is also great for monitor- ing and recording students’ moods, an impor- tant indicator of potential mental health, or other problems. When each teacher records their students’ daily mood in their classroom, it can help determine if a student needs help.
For instance, if a student is marked as con- sistently showing up to a particular class in a bad mood or shows up to all their classes in
a bad mood on a particular day of the week, this should be addressed as this student could be experiencing bullying, problems at home, or another stressor. When this data is displayed, it reveals patterns that could have easily gone unnoticed otherwise, but when it’s made readily available it allows school personnel to intervene to get to the bottom of the problem.
By investing in technology that helps automate and streamline schools’ day to day and emergency processes, administrators are able to improve their school’s safety, commu- nication, and operations. This can give fac- ulty, students, and parents/guardians peace of mind, knowing that no matter the situa- tion, it can be dealt with quickly and effi- ciently.
Amy Jeffs currently serves as vice president of Status Solutions.

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