Page 68 - Security Today, July/August 2020
P. 68

A Larger Security Puzzle Data center access control starts at the fence line
By Toby Bostwick
Ask any analyst what data is coming into or out of your data center and they’ll quickly pull up a dashboard showing packets flooding across their network. But, if you wanted to find out who has come and gone into the physical space where your server racks are, would you be able to do that?
Access control at the perimeter of a data center, power or telco facility is a security puzzle within a larger security puzzle that must be built to protect your company and its prized asset — it’s data. And like any puzzle, starting with the edge pieces is the best way to quickly understand what the full picture is.
There’s an axiom that good fences make for good neighbors. This is especially true
when considering access control systems. They can deter social engineering hacks by keeping unwanted visitors away and prevent a different type of brute-force attack from peopletryingtoaccessafacility.Fencingis a crucial component in keeping data secure.
Often, security fencing is overlooked until something happens that a sturdy fence might have prevented. Frequently, a build- ing’s designer will choose the least expensive and most quickly installed option, which is usually a chain link fence. While chain link fences are inexpensive and quick to install, they are not a great option in high-security areas and have several disadvantages when compared to other types of fencing.
Easy to climb. The links in chain link fencing are perfectly sized to provide hand and footholds to most people. This means that even casual thieves might be tempted tomaketheirwayoverthefencetolookfor something to steal.
Flimsy Against Intruders. Chain links are made of wire and can easily be cut by a cheap pair of wire cutters. This grants easy access to anyone looking to get into a facil- ity without much planning or expense.
Industrial-looking. Chain link fencing is totally functional as a basic barrier and nothing more. It’s distinctly industrial-look- ing and has a strong association with crime because of its presence in high-crime areas and its use in the penal system.
Chain link manufacturers have offered
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